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Fast forward 1 more years

Saturday 14 October

New York City

Both of them just finished their Master in Business and Queen of Hotel New York ruined well so as promised Chaeyoung went to her father to ask for permission for them both to return to Korea

"can you guys just stay here?" Mr Yoo sipping a coffee

"dad , please just give us permission to go back and handle your main company there" Chaeyoung sat on the couch in the living room at their home in new york

"are you sure about company Chaeyoung? or because of that girl?" Mr Yoo turn and smile to his youngest daughter

"Yoo Tzuyu her name dad , she's not just a girl" Chaeyoung rolled her eyes

"Do you still love her? you know right Chaeyoung what Mr Yoo say to you and Jeongyeon" Mr Yoo not furious like before when talk about that issue

"Yeah i know dad , it's still stick hardly in my heart but i thinks it's not fair for us to be apart without closure same goes to Jeongyeon and Nayeon" Chaeyoung statement make sense that her father simply do a decision without discuss with them

"but Jeongyeon forgot about her already" Mr Yoo turn to see outside window

"who say ?? almost 1 and half years dad she keep asking me about someone she loved and i keep on lying to her so please i begged" Chaeyoung get up

"Chaeyoung is right honey , can you trust our kids to do decide ?" suddenly her mom coming from kitchen

"But what if Baekhyun..." Mr Yoo try to bring about the past again

"At least all of them handle by themselves honey , not us force them" Mrs Yoo go and held her husband hand

"2 years dad , i not seeing my friends and i miss them so much please dad" Chaeyoung eyes now start to teary

"Hmm okay .. you can take your unnie with you but update me anything happend and make sure nobody hurt you and Jeongyeon .. i will inform our people at korea that you and Jeongyeon will handle back our company there" Mr Yoo can't stand to see her daughter begging just because she misses her old friends

"Thanks dad , thank you mom i promise i will take a good care of me and Jeongyeon unnie but how about you two?" then this cute Chae run and hug tightly both of them

"We will stay here first , later we will follow" Mr Yoo still has something to handle here , Chae run upstairs and find her sister to tell about it

Seoul Korea

"Did i look good?" Nayeon coming from the fitting room

"Did i look good?" Nayeon coming from the fitting room

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