S5, Ep 53: Curseworld, Part 1

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Ninjago City

(The citizens of Ninjago are celebrating the New Year Festival. In Chen's Noodle House, Ronin is sitting by himself watching TV)

Reporter: Season of change is almost to an end. And residents of Ninjago eagerly await to celebrate tonight's New Year Festival.

Skylor: Hard to believe you don't have any friends to usher in the New Year.

Ronin: Let's just say I'm good at making friends, just not keeping them.

Skylor: Huh. Even a friend who spoils the party every once in a while is still a better friend than someone who stays.

(She looks at Ronin's Aeroblade, which he puts away)

Skylor: Ah. It's okay. I've been around enough weapons in my day. In fact, kind of reminds me of some old friends.

Ronin: How much do I owe you?

Skylor: It's on the house, friend.

Ronin: Huh. Appreciate it.

Reporter: Festival celebration is going on all over Ninjago.

Ronin: Hey, mind turning that up?

Reporter: But not only in Ninjago. Other cities in every corner...

Skylor: You know that sewer swamp?

Reporter: ...are celebrating this festival...

Ronin: Yeah. I used to call it home.

Reporter: ...and no other town likes to celebrate more than the residents in Stiix county.


Stiix Residents: Wow!

Boy: Oh, man. That's awesome.

Morro: Now let's shed a little light.

(He sets the Realm Crystal in place and opens the Cursed Realm for the Ghost Warriors)

Wrayth: Ah, it's good to be back.

Morro: How long until The Preeminent is ready?

Soul Archer: Her energy is still too strong to cross the Ethereal Divide.

Bansha: The longer the gateway stays open, the stronger it becomes. We must prepare for her arrival.

Morro: Then what are we waiting for? Let the festivities begin.

(Ghost Warriors and Skreemers take over the city. The citizens scream and run away)

Kid: Hey, my dragon!

Steep Wisdom

(At Steep Wisdom, Wu tells the ninja they need supplies)

Kai: Shouldn't we be going to Stiix? The longer we wait, the worse it'll get.

Wu: We need to stock up.

Jay: On what? Magic tea that will make us invincible?

(He gasps)

Jay: Give us special powers? Is it gonna give us four arms?

Wu: Sadly, no magical tea today. I had to sell the rest of the merchandise along with everything else.

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