S7, Ep 70: Dead Man's Squall

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(After their bikes fell off the cliff, Zane tries to get Mr. E to talk)

Zane: Are you the Quiet One?

(Mr. E cracks his neck)

Zane: Are you the Quiet One?!

(They attack each other)

Zane: Who are you? Who... is... in... charge!? Who? You don't have to do this.

(Mr. E kicks him off the cliff)

Zane: Who...

(He shuts down. Mr. E opens Zane's chest and puts something inside him)

Mr. E: tes neeb sah part ehT.

(The Trap has been set)

-----Time Skip-----

(The ninja find Zane)

Y/n: Zane! Zane, can you hear me?

Nya: What did they do to him?

Jane: Say something, Zane. Can you hear us? Zane?

Y/n: P.I.X.A.L., lower the gurney. Zane's in bad shape. Hang on, buddy. Hang on.

(They put Zane on the gurney and hook him to the Bounty)

Nya: Okay. Winch him up, Pix.

Lloyd: How bad is it?

P.I.X.A.L.: He has extensive damage to all systems. His neural net and cognitive cores suffered severe failures.

Nya: Can you save him?

P.I.X.A.L.: I've diverted power to critical life functions, but Zane will have to do most of the work. He must reconfigure his system and reboot himself.

Harumi: Isn't there anything we can do?

Lloyd: We have to keep moving or the Sons of Garmadon will find us. They'll do anything to get their hands on the child.

Kai: I just don't get how a baby can be a key.

Cole: I don't either, but that's what they said. They called him the key to the third mask.

Y/n: If Cole's right, we need to disappear. Get as far away from Ninjago City as we can.

Jane: Hmm. Doesn't seem right. Abandoning Ninjago City.

Y/n: We're not abandoning.

Lloyd: There are others who will protect her.

Kai: Like who?

Nya: There's always Samurai X. Whoever that is.

Lloyd: Whoever it is, they're going to have to cover for us until we get a handle on things. P.I.X.A.L., set a new course. Anywhere but here.

(The baby cries)

Lloyd: Maybe he's thirsty. Give him some milk.

Cole: I tried. He doesn't like milk.

Jane: What else do babies drink?

Kai: Don't ask me. Ask him.

Cole: He's a baby! He hasn't learned how to talk yet.

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