S6, Ep 56: The Hands of Time, Part 2

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Monastery of Spinjitzu

(At the monastery, Acronix knocks Wu back as he soon picked up the weapon with its blades glowing green before charging at Wu and swipes his pocketwatch from his beard to look at the time)

Acronix: And at 6:01, the battle began again.

(They resume fighting)

Temple of Airjitzu

(At the Airjitzu Temple, Ronin and Misako are still confused)

Misako: How did I get this? I have the strangest feeling. It's like déjà vu, but in reverse.

Ronin: It's like time skipped a beat.

(Misako looks at a nearby clock)

Misako: No, it skipped an entire minute.

(Dareth is still under Ronin's feet)

Dareth: Please get off of me!

Destinys Bounty

(On the Bounty, the alarms were still going off)

Cole: Um, weren't we just outside? When did we get here?

Nya: How did we get here?

Zane: My circuits are picking up an energy displacement.

Kai: There was a displacement all right. It displaced us right in here.

Lloyd: What is going on?

Y/n: I don't know.

(Jay jumps up and covers his ears from the noise)

Jay: I don't know. But it's loud!

Monastery of Spinjitzu

(At the monastery, Wu and Acronix are still fighting)

Acronix: You had your chance, old man. You should have let me drop. Now, let's see if your experience is more powerful than...

(He raises the weapon which fires a green beam in the air)

Acronix: ...the Time Blade.

Destinys Bounty

(Back on the Bounty, Nya is looking at some panels as the alarms are still going off)

Nya: These energy readings are off the charts. Where is it coming from?

Zane: I'm trying to pinpoint the location.

(Jay is still annoyed by the alarm)

Jay: How about pinpointing the location of the off button? These alarms are giving me a...

(Kai slams a nearby console, turning the alarm off)

Jay: ...headache.

(He chuckles)

Jay: Thank you.

(Y/n looks at some of the screens and he raises an eye brow)

Y/n: This is surprising.

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