S8, Ep 76: Firstbourne

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(With the original five ninja gone, the Sons of Garmadon took over Ninjago. Ultra Violet appears on all the TV's)

Ultra Violet: Welcome back to Ultra Hunt! The place where hunting traitors couldn't be more fun.

(She laughs)

Ultra Violet: The game show where you, the viewer, can win cash and rewards, or even the Grand Prize if you help us catch the Green Ninja.

Woman: I won! I made the call! I did that!

Ultra Violet: Today's fugitive is the Police Commissioner!

(Chopper Maroon goes up to a figure wearing green)

Chopper Maroon: Hey, haven't you heard? The color green has been outlawed. Emperor Garmadon's orders.

(He rips his cloak off, revealing Dareth)

Dareth: Fine. You found the Brown Ninja. But I may not go quietly. Ugh!

(Chopper Maroon digs through Dareth's bag and brings out a Puffy Potsticker)

Chopper Maroon: Brown Ninja? Is he even on the list?

Mohawk: No list I know. Is his power hoarding food?

Dareth: I will have you know...

(He takes the Puffy Potsticker)

Dareth: ...my intense training requires a high calorie intake. And for the record, your insensitivity to this matter is downright cruel.

(Chopper Maroon laughs)

Chopper Maroon: He's just a wannabe. Cut him loose.

Mohawk: Thanks for the breakfast.

Dareth: The Resistance will make you pay!

Chopper Maroon: What resistance?

(They leave with his food. Dareth goes to a secret location)

Dareth: It's freezing.

Misako: So they'll never bother to look here. Did you get food?

Dareth: Yeah, they took everything. Except...

(He pulls out the now-stale Puffy Potsticker)

Dareth: Ah-ha! Mr. Chen's Puffy Potsticker. I was gonna save it for later, but it's yours. Eat up, Lloyd. You lost you Elemental Power, but not your appetite.

Lloyd: Uh, uh... they're just as hungry as I am.

Misako: No, son. You need your strength.

Nya: And we're here to protect you, remember? We insist.

(Lloyd reluctantly eats it)

Lloyd: Hmm. Puffy.

Nya: Break's over. Let's go again.

(Nya fought Lloyd while everyone else watches)

Dareth: How goes the training for the leader of our resistance?

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