S8, Ep 79: How to Build a Dragon

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The First Realm - Flashback

(In a flashback, Jane runs out of the Junkyard)

Past Edna: Jane, honey! Be back by supper!

Past Jane: I will, Mom!

Past Edna: And no crazy stunts, okay?

Past Jane: I won't, Mom!

-----Time Skip-----

(Jane gets on top of a building with her gliders on)

Past Jane: I can do this. Sixth time is the charm.

(She jumps off and starts gliding)

Past Jane: I can fly!

(She crashes into a billboard)

Past Jane: Ugh. That's it. I've had it. You piece of useless, broken junk.

(She sighs)

Past Jane: It's impossible.

Past Wu: Is it? Or are we only confined by the walls we build ourselves in?

Past Jane: Who are you?

Past Wu: A dreamer. Like you. Attempting to build the impossible. Care to join?

Flashback End

(Lloyd voice is heard through a radio)

Lloyd: The Resistance never quits! The Resistance never quits! The Resistance never quits! The Resistance never quits! The Resistance never quits!

Daddy No Legs: Fix your radio, Muzzle. That's driving me crazy. Hey, wakey, wakey, ninja! Welcome back to the Dead's End.

Jane: Guys, I heard Lloyd. "The Resistance never quits." It never quits.

Cole: Looks like we lost Jane again.

Jane: No, no, no. I'm not crazy. I really heard him. On the radio.

Zane: If that's true, then let's hope Y/n can get us out of here.

(Kai looks at the Wind Dragon)

Kai: Yeah. Get us all out of here.

Cole: We've got it. If we can't shoot straight, may as well make ourselves useful.

(Muzzle mumbles. He and Daddy No Legs leave)

Kai: Tell me you have a plan.

Y/n: It's in the early stages. But... what am I saying, I don't have a plan.

Iron Baron: Tonight, we feast!

Y/n: With this place swarming with Hunters, breaking you out is gonna be impossible.

Cole: Can't you use your powers?

Y/n: No. If I did this place would be swarming with both dragons and oni.

Zane: If only Firstbourne paid Iron Baron a visit, we'd have a distraction.

Jane: Wait, what did you just say?

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