7: The Storm

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This is more of a filler chapter really, as a lot of it is based on Aang's past but I've included it because I want (y/n) to have a strong sibling-style bond with Aang.

All around me there was nothing but white. The only distinguishable feature to where I was was the water-like ground I was walking on. It was like walking on the surface of the sea. "Aang? Katara? Sokka?" I called out for my three friends but there was no response. I carried on walking, keeping my eyes peeled for anything when suddenly up ahead I spotted a figure sitting on the ground. "Excuse me!" I called out, running towards the figure dressed in red and black. As I approached I could tell it was a boy but he had his back to me. It looked like he was dressed in a red and black tunic, and he had jet black hair that fell messily. "Excuse me, could you help me?" I reached out and placed my hand on his shoulder when suddenly there was a loud cry-

I startled awake, sitting bolt upright in my sleeping bag. The sun was rising over the horizon of the beach the gang and I had camped on for the night, and I realised that the sort I had heard came from Aang.

"What's going on, did we get captured again?" Sokka grumbled, his boomerang in his hand for defence.

"It's nothing, I just had a bad dream. Go back to sleep," Aang said and I shrugged.

"Sure, Avatar knows best," I quickly laid back down in my sleeping bag, keen to get a few more minutes sleep before we'd have to pack up camp and move on. Annoyingly the dream I was having before I startled awake ironically kept me up, as I couldn't help but think about the boy and wonder who it was.

- Timeskip -

"Look at those clear skies buddy," Aang seemed much happier as we packed up camp, jumping onto Appa's large head getting ready to fly. There were indeed blue skies for miles upon miles, the sun shining down on us. "Should be some smooth flying!"

"Well we better smoothly fly our way to a market, because we're out of food," Katara said, throwing the empty food back up to me as I packed the saddle. Once all packed and settled Appa lifted us into the air, flying along the coast until we came across a small harbour and market. The large bison splashed down into the sea next to one of the docks, him seemingly loving relaxing in water. The four of us climbed off of Appa, Momo deciding to stay with his big furry friend whilst the rest of us had a look around the fruit stalls.

"Mm, mango's... lets get a couple," I put some in our basket that was already getting quite full.

"Wait- hang on guys... we're out of money," Katara suddenly said, tipping up the money bag and seeing nothing fall out. I looked longingly at all of the food we had collected and sighed, giving the basket back to the lady running the stall.

"Out of food and out of money. Now what are we supposed to do?" Sokka whined.

"You could get a job, smart guy," I raised an eyebrow and folded my arms, but before Sokka could reply there was a loud argument brewing nearby between an elderly couple.

"We shouldn't go out there!" The woman cried. "Please, the fish can wait! There's going to be a terrible storm!"

"Ah you're crazy! It's a nice day; no clouds, no wind, no nothing! So quit your nagging, woman," the man said and the woman frowned.

"M-maybe we should find some shelter?" Aang suddenly said, a slight tone of fear in his voice.

"Shelter? From what?" Sokka pointed out.

"My joints say there's going to be a terrible storm!" The woman shouted.

"Well it's your joints against my brain!"

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