8: The Blue Spirit

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 By incredible luck we had found ourselves in a large earth kingdom ruin that looked like it was a temple overlooking a village once upon a time. It seems to have been abandoned long ago looking at the greenery growing between the cracks of the bricks and the fallen walls and crumbling pillars. The four of us, plus our two animals, set up camp in the main temple overlooking the rest of the abandoned and overgrown village.

We came across these ancient ruins just in time, as Sokka was coughing, sneezing and sweating after being caught out in that storm. He was tucked in his sleeping bag, resting on the side of Appa whilst Katara tried to nurse him to health with a damp cloth. "You know what I love most about Appa? His sense of humour," Sokka blurted out more random nonsense as I put more wood on the fire. Appa growled at the mention of his name, this making Sokka laugh hysterically.

"How's Sokka doing?" Aang asked after searching the temple for ginger root, it being a medicinal ingredient for flus.

"He's not doing so good," I stated the obvious as Sokka laid there, shivering.

"I couldn't find the ginger root but I did find this map. There's a herbalist institute on that mountain," he pulled open the scroll he was carrying and conveniently there was one on the next mountain.

"Aang, Sokka's in no fit state for travel. He just needs rest, I'm sure he'll be better by tomorrow-," Katara started but she was interrupted by a coughing fit.

"Not you too," I whined but she wafted the thought of being ill away.

"I'm fine, just a frog in my throat-," she began coughing wildly again making Aang and I looked at each other with skepticism.

"That's how Sokka started yesterday and now look at him! He thinks he's an earth-bender!" Aang exclaimed.

"Take that you rock!" Sokka shouted, waving his arms around in the air wildly. I couldn't help but laugh out loud until Aang sent me a look that shut me up straight away.

"A few more hours and you'll be talking nonsense too. I'm going to find some medicine," Aang said, grabbing his glider.

"Wait you can't leave me with them, I don't want to get sick!" I followed Aang quickly as he walked to the exit of the temple.

"Sure. Lets fly-," Aang opened his glider but the sound of thunder made us notice the grey clouds. "Perhaps it's safer to walk..."

"Appa, Momo, look after them for us," I said and both animals made their respective noises. We headed down the temple and I looked up at our destination according to the map I held in my hand. "It's going to take ages to walk there," I pointed out.

"I've got an idea. Hop on my back," he said and I furrowed my eyebrows. "Just do it!" Despite being taller than him I did as was told, hold holding my legs. "Prepare yourself and keep your mouth shut. You don't want to catch a bug," he said.

"Catch a bug- WHOA!" I cried as Aang propelled us forward with the help of air-bending. He was running faster than the wind, a trail of dust being left in a wake behind us. As he ran I attempted to read the map and point us in the right direction but it was difficult, however thankfully it didn't take nearly as long as it would've had it not been for Aang's speed. "Look there, up those stairs!" I pointed ahead of us to a large set of stone stairs that led right up to the herbal institute. It was a beautiful sight; two pagodas on the uneven mountaintop surrounded by a large array of plants and herbs.

I was finally able to get off of Aang's back which I was glad about as despite him being the Avatar I felt a little humiliated being carried by a twelve year old boy. It was oddly silent, there being not a single soul in sight. We walked through the large oak doors of one of the pagodas, walking through a corridor that had ivy and shrubbery growing up the walls. "I know this is meant to be a herbalists institute but it looks abandoned..." I mumbled as we walked.

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