Cotija Cheese Cookie

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Cotija Cheese Cookie is an oc I made for a guard for Golden Cheese Cookie. He was made before the Golden Cheese Cookie update that came out not to long ago, so Cotija Cheese Cookie didn't have a design before that. Just soon after the update came out, I was inspired on how to create this cookie's design and character traits/personality. Though the only thing based of the god I chose for Cotija Cheese Cookie is his design. I don't know why, but drawing these Golden Cheese Kingdom cookies are painfully difficult 🥲. ⚠️ Spoiler Warning of the Golden Cheese Kingdom Update!


-Was too lazy to try digital-Also I have drawn him without his mask

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-Was too lazy to try digital-Also I have drawn him without his mask. I will show that soon-

Status - Is said to be alive and protecting Golden Cheese Cookie on the journey.

Story - Although not baked in the lands of the Parmesan Desert or even near the kingdom he protects now, he forever is devoted to protect the lands of the Cheese Kingdom. Cotija Cheese Cookie, baked in a village far from the Golden City, now protects the lands of the city and Her Radiance. Chaos shall not pass through his watch across the gleaming grounds of this kingdom. His sacred vow to protect the Goddess of the Golden City and her treasures and lands is always reminded when fighting against a chaos bringer, intruder, or law breaker. With his mask of a bull, and great strength and greed he has warded off any danger with his great strength countless times. Cotija Cheese Cookie can be seen wandering in the kingdom, at parties, in the palace, or with his closest of friends. Even being the party cookie he is, Cotija Cheese Cookie is always rushing head on to fulfill his duties and promises.

Type - Support

Skill - Using his great strength and spear, the ground begins to crumble and crack under the enemy, making them stunned for a few seconds. Crops begin to sprout, allowing enemies to take damage while healing the team and allies, apply ground type buff to the cookie. (Mainly still a work in progress)

Design Inspiration - The Egyptian god Apis. From basing off to his attack, design, and small part his role as a guard in the kingdom. Also Burnt Cheese and Smoked Cheese inspired me to figure out his design. (Side note: I just feel there will be people who might complain and I don't want to argue with anyone or deal with that shit, so I just wanna say, the only thing based of the god is his design and part of his job in the Cheese Kingdom.)

Personality/Traits - Cotija Cheese Cookie is often serious for he usually is focused on his job, but in his free time, he is usually seen as a friendly and extroverted guy. He enjoys going to parties and betting in games and monster battles. He grew up in the kingdom most of his life, but was baked in a different part of Earthbread. His first language was Spanish, explaining why he sometimes speaks it. He is often insecure with showing his eyes, explains why he prefers to wear a mask. Usually on his free times, he is either parting/betting with friends or patrolling the kingdom's grounds, mainly near the farm lands. He is devoted to his vow to the Queen.

Backstory - (Work in Progress) I will update this later when I fully make his backstory since I barley finished the Golden Cheese Kingdom Story, so I'm just work in it for now. Either I might post it in a different chapter or might update here.

Summary of Backstory - At a young age, his family moved from a farm owned land, sold soon, now living in the Cheese Kingdom. He didn't like it at all, even if most financial issues were no longer. He felt he didn't belong and it seemed no one really wanted to be friends with him. One day he saw guards practicing, and was inspired to be one. After his parents allowed him to train for this, his life change. He basically discovered his unusual amount of strength. At some point he met Mozzarella during training and became good friends. Smoked Cheese and him never really liked each other, even if he tried being friends with him. After a while, it came to his judgment to become a guard or not. Burnt Cheese himself then set him to be the close guard of the Golden Radiance herself, becoming her body guard basically. And I don't know what else to say.

Job - The Queen's (Golden Cheese Cookie) personal body guard, set by the judger of souls himself, Burnt Cheese Cookie. As a side job when he is not guarding the queen, he patrols the lands freely, still guarding. Mainly found near farm lands on his free time.

Free Time/Breaks - On his free time, he is seen patrolling the kingdom's grounds, mainly near farm/crop lands of the kingdom, at colosseum and betting with cookies/cheese birds he knows or mainly with his friends, training, or at kingdom parties.

Relation Ship Status -

Burnt Cheese Cookie - (Trust/Friendly) Cotija Cheese Cookie does trust Burnt Cheese Cookie, and tries to become friends with him and hang out, but often, Burnt Cheese Cookie is busy with his jackals or guarding the gates.

Mozzarella Cookie - (Friendly/Trust) Both Cotija Cheese Cookie and Mozzarella Cookie are very close friends ever since Cotija Cheese Cookie became a guard and often make bets in events with each other, though Mozzarella Cookie usually wins.

Smoked Cheese Cookie - (Tension/Partially Friendly) Cotija Cheese Cookie never really liked Smoked Cheese Cookie in the first place. Smoked Cheese Cookie never really treated Cotija Cheese Cookie as one of the kingdom's cookie often, especially since Cotija Cheese Cookie was never baked in Cheese Kingdom in the first place. Cotija Cheese Cookie had often sensed something off with the cookie ever since they met, but still tried staying in Smoked Cheese's good side.

Golden Cheese Cookie - (Trust/Loyalty/Admiration) As all the cookies in the Cheese Kingdom, he does admire and praises the Ancient Hero's strength and generosity. He was set by Burnt Cheese Cookie himself to be the Queen's bodyguard. He is devoted to protecting the Queen and is forever made a vow to be loyal to her and her kingdom, along with the cookies and cheesebirds in it. Trusting that she will keep her promise, as the rest of the kingdom did, to be awoken in soul and dough. His soul will always be by the Queen's side, no matter situation she is in.

High Priest Cheesenbird - (Trust/Friendly) Cotija Cheese Cookie trust's Cheesenbird, especially how Cotija Cheese Cookie sees how the priest treats everyone with kindness and understanding. Sometimes on his free time, Cotija Cheese Cookie goes to the House of Prayers.

(More Relation Ship will be added later, I just feel the relation ships with the Golden Cheese Kingdom Cookies and Characters are important since he is from there.)

Anyway! Fun Fact Time!

• He was baked with heterochromia
• He can sing very well
• He still misses his past life but wants to have fun with his life in the Cheese Kingdom
• He may seem serious, but he just a friendly silly guy
• He loves hanging out in farm lands to relax
• If you were to be looking for a party friend, find him
• Strong guy I guess
• Uhhh... party person in general
• Oh yeah, his family first owned a farm for crops and cattle, but had to sell the land and everything. That why they moved to shiny kingdom with bords and biscuits.
Sorry if I'm not formal at some point in this or that it's just so random (Especially in the Fun Facts part). I'm sleep deprived. The week from when I updated some of it, I wasn't able to sleep well. Oh well, what can I do about it. Anyway. Too lazy to change it. Also realizing that at some point, I sometimes said bords instead of birds...... I don't know how many times tho... it's late and I'm tired... Adiós por ahora.

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