Cookie Run Word/Phrase Translations Bc I Forget Easily 😭

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So I have a tendency to forget things and sometimes people think I use it as an excuse, but in reality, I truly am a forgetful person. :) totally fun.

Anyway, I am just gonna put some words that are equivalent to real life words so I do t forget and you guys can know if you don't! If you know more or if I made a mistake in translations, please tell me because I'm forgetting easily again right now :(. There are variations for one word so this might seem repetitive, confusing (sorry if it is) and sorry for any constant random question marks. I don't fully understand how cookie's work :/

Strawberry Jam = Blood
Dough = Skin
Sugar Bones/Skeleton = Bones/Skeleton
Frosting = can mean hair and/eyes though they often would just say hair/eyes when mentioning them.

Crumbling = Dying
Crumbled = Dead
Crumbs = Dead's remains (???)
Crumble = Die

Can mean baking deserts to eat or to do with them being cookies and how they refer to being born(????)
Baked = Born
Baking = (Idk what to put here so, I'll let you guys figure it out???)
Bake = (also don't know what to put)
Bakeday = Birthday
Bakeplace = Birthplace

Jellies = Food (Most food they eat are jellies, any other food will be mention somewhere in the story, I'm sure)

Divine = Their god (or for those cookies who believe in them??)
Witches = Referring to their creators
Wizard = Other cookies' creators or referring to themselves
Sugar Swan = A high figure in beliefs of cookies

Earthbread = Earth
Underworld - What it is (Hell)
Heaven - What it is bc I don't know what they call it.

Soggy - Since they are made of dough, they can die/injured to water or liquids like milk(?), though they still can be in contact with their dough, just not for a long period of time.

They literally need to be more cautious in surging bc they have a better chance at dying than a normal human being. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Phrases (What I think they translate to):

What in Crust's name - similar to "What in Christ's name"

In the name of the Witches - similar to "In the name of God"

Fresh Flames of the Oven = Flames of Hell
(Yes, I know they mention Hell, but this phrase is also used instead of the word, so hey both are the same thing)
Heavens = Literally what it says

In the name of the Divine - like the Witches one. "In the name of God"
Some words that have nothing to do the cookie run, but is in the story:

The Inter - A world between the heavens and the underworld were only those who are banished by those of greatest strength (The Divine, Ruler of the Underworld, or so on) or of those preforming a risky spell. A place were beings live immortal and free. A place of nonsense and freedom. Though, if fully banished, or spell done perfectly, the being is forever forgotten in the overpowers of Earthbread and any dimension. If spell done incorrect, could end up killing one of the conductors or conductor of the spell, still banishing the one the spell was casted at, thought isn't forgotten. The name just translates to "The Inbetween". Be aware, I just made this up and I don't really know if it's an actual thing or not. (More might be mentioned in the story)
If I think of anymore, I might add them here. Sorry if this is so random, but keep as a side note, it's to help me mostly. Thank you!

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