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May 2023

May 2023

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26,874 likesydalis 🍊🧡🔥View all 216 comments

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ydalis 🍊🧡🔥
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I walked into the Sky Zone Trampoline Park for my favorite student, Jeyce's birthday party which he and his mother had invited me to.

At first, I wasn't going to attend the party but Jeyce constantly begged me to come so I gave in. How could I say no to my favorite student?

I look around looking for the birthday boy. I didn't see him but I spotted the gift table and placed the gift bag on the table before walking over to the table where Jeyce'd mother, Takecia was sitting and talking to a group of people.

"Takecia," I said, getting her attention.

Takecia stands up and pulls me into a tight hug. I hug her back. "Thank you for coming, Ydalis, Jeyce has been waiting for you to show up," Takecia said.

I smiled at her.

"I mean he told me all week in class if I didn't show up he wouldn't talk to me ever again," I told her with a chuckle before looking around. "So where is the birthday boy?" I asked her.

"He's running around, I'm sure once he spots you he will be dragging you everywhere with him," Takecia answered.

"Look who is here," Takecia said as she brought me over to the table.

"Jeyce's favorite teacher," Trinity said as she stood up to hug me.

"Hey, Trinity," I said, smiling as I already knew her from a few years back as I taught her step-children and I've also met her husband Jon a couple of times.

As Trinity and I are talking, Joshua is staring at me. I tried to ignore his eyes on me but we locked eyes and smiled at each other.

"Jeyce has been talking about you nonstop that everyone wants to meet you," Trinity said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, he has. I've been trying to meet the teacher who has my son trying to fail his grade to stay with her," Joshua answered before Trinity could say anything.

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