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May 2024

Joshua's excitement at having Ydalis and Yesenia move in with him was appreciable, but the sheer volume of belongings they had brought along was a bit overwhelming.

As the movers started carrying in box after box - a total of 40 in all - Joshua couldn't help but let out a slightly bewildered chuckle.

"Okay, that's a lot of boxes," he remarked, his eyes widening at the sight of the seemingly endless stream of luggage being hauled through his front door.

Ydalis, ever the pragmatist, simply shrugged and explained, "Hey, we left a lot of stuff at the other house."

Joshua couldn't argue with that logic and gamely waved the movers in to deposit the mountain of boxes in his living room.

Despite the logistical challenge, Joshua's enthusiasm for this new chapter remained undiminished.

He was thrilled to be sharing his home with the two most important women in his life, and couldn't wait to start this new adventure together.

As the last box was finally carried upstairs, Joshua turned to Yesenia, beaming with excitement. "Nana, let's go pick your room," he said, extending his hand for the little girl to take.

Yesenia eagerly grabbed hold, and the two disappeared up the stairs, leaving Ydalis to oversee the final touches of the move-in process.

Though she shook her head at Joshua's eagerness, Ydalis couldn't help but smile at his endearing zeal - she knew this new living arrangement was going to be an adjustment, but with Joshua's unwavering support, she had no doubt they would make it work.

As the last of the forty boxes were unpacked and the new living arrangements were settled, with Ydalis now having a place in Joshua's bedroom and closet and Yesenia's room adorned with her personal touches, the trio gathered around the dining table, a warm meal prepared by Ydalis' skilled hands.

The simple act of sharing a meal held a deeper significance, as it marked the passage of time since their lives had become intertwined.

"Can you believe it is about to be a year since we met at Jeyce's birthday party?" Ydalis mused, her eyes alight with a hint of nostalgia as she recalled that fateful gathering where their paths had first crossed.

Joshua nodded in agreement, the memory of that day still fresh in his mind. "And now we're celebrating Jeyce's birthday this year together," he added, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

The sentiment was echoed by Yesenia, who chimed in with a reminder that she needed to procure a suitable birthday gift for Jeyce.

As they sat there, surrounded by the comforts of their newfound home and the warmth of each other's company, the trio couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had led them to this moment, a year's worth of memories woven into the fabric of their lives, creating a tapestry of friendship, support, and the promise of many more celebrations to come.

As they sat there, surrounded by the comforts of their newfound home and the warmth of each other's company, the trio couldn't help but reflect on the journey that had led them to this moment, a year's worth of memories woven into the fabric of th...

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