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December 2023

48,045 likesydalis When you both are waiting for Christmas breakfast to be cooked #christmasmorning View all 475 comments

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ydalis When you both are waiting for Christmas breakfast to be cooked #christmasmorning
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Joshua watched as Ydalis and Yesenia opened the Christmas gifts that he got them with a smile on his face. He had invited them to spend Christmas morning with him since his sons were spending it with their mother. He did not want to be alone.

"Thank you, Joshua," Yesenia said after opening all her gifts from him. "You're the best," She added as she gave him a hug.

Joshua hugged the little girl back, getting a little emotional. He has always wanted a daughter and since Yesenia has entered his life. He has been happy. She is exactly how he imagined his daughter would be if he had one.

"You're welcome, angel," Joshua said.

Ydalis smiled as she watched Joshua and Yesenia. She was happy. She hasn't been this happy in years and only in eight months Joshua has managed to bring so much happiness into her life.

After they finished opening all the gifts, they filmed a couple of TikToks before going on a walk around the neighborhood to look at Christmas decorations on houses.

As Ydalis, Joshua, and Yesenia strolled through the neighborhood, they were captivated by the twinkling lights and festive displays adorning the homes around them.

The crisp winter air carried the scent of pine and the faint sound of holiday music.

Yesenia, filled with the holiday spirit, gazed up at the colorful decorations and remarked that next year, they should decorate their own home together.

Joshua couldn't help but smile at Yesenia's enthusiasm, her eyes sparkling with excitement at the prospect.

Ydalis, ever the voice of reason, gently reminded Yesenia that they did not currently live together, to which Yesenia responded without hesitation, "Then we have to move in together!"

Ydalis shook her head affectionately at her daughter's impulsive suggestion, but the wheels in her mind began to turn.

Joshua, sensing the shift in the conversation, cleared his throat and turned to Ydalis, asking her directly, "What do you think about moving in together?"

The question hung in the air, filled with unspoken emotions and the promise of a new chapter in their lives.

Ydalis felt her heart flutter, realizing that this moment could be the start of a profound change, one that would bring them closer and create a shared space filled with love, happiness, and laughter.

January 2024

The 2024 Royal Rumble was a thrilling night of professional wrestling action that Ydalis, Yesenia, and Jeyce, who were lucky enough to witness it all from ringside seats at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg, Florida.

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