Issue 2

35 2 0

Where fall the gods ... - Part 2

Aunt Mary fussed, as she always did, only, this time, Caitlyn had to admit she had a pretty good reason. Caught in a battle between Black Staff and Doctor Blood would, naturally, have that affect on the woman who had raised her since her parents had died. She tried to hide the tears that she had, no doubt, cried from the moment she heard Caitlyn had been taken to the ER, but hid it now. Or tried to. Those puffy, red eyes said everything.

"I'm okay. Honest." Rising from the wheelchair, that she didn't need, Caitlyn tried not to roll her eyes as she reached for the cell phone in her back pocket. "You worry too much, Aunt Mary!"

"How can I not worry? My best little girl almost killed because of that maniac!" She didn't mean Doc Blood. Aunt Mary had never trusted Black Staff. "Are you warm enough? Let's get you in the car and home. Aunt Mary's beef broth for you and bed. No arguments!"

"Mrs Carter? And this must be young Caitlyn. I remember you." And Caitlyn remembered him, too. Raymond Alden. A little worse for wear, suit burned and ripped, hands bandaged. "Your ... niece? Your niece has a keen mind and isn't afraid to challenge accepted principles. I like that."

He gazed at Caitlyn, standing in an easy, relaxed pose that Caitlyn expected he had perfected in order to show his board members just how approachable he was. He said nothing, for a while, and Caitlyn began to feel a little uncomfortable. She glanced at Aunt Mary, but she was looking at the multi-millionaire with an undisguised adoration.

Raymond Alden was a big name. CEO of one of the best, cutting edge corporations in the world. Employer of thousands, including Caitlyn's Uncle Richard. When her uncle had died, a letter from Alden, himself, commiserated with the family and assured them they would receive full benefits, even though the investigation into the incident had said Uncle Richard had caused the accident. Caitlyn had never believed that. Her uncle was never negligent. In anything.

"Thank you, Mr Alden. She is a bright young thing. I don't understand half of what she says, I swear." Mary's hand touched Alden's arm and Caitlyn noticed a momentary flinch. "I never got the opportunity to thank you. For ensuring we were looked after, after Richard's ... mistake. I appreciate that more than you could ever know."

"Think nothing of it. Richard Carter was a good man, a good worker. One mistake, no matter how much it cost the company, could never erase that. We were insured, anyway. The only true cost was his unfortunate loss." He patted Mary's hand then returned his attention to Caitlyn, causing her to dip her eyes. "I just wanted to meet this fascinating young woman outside of the classroom. What you said, the questions you asked, they were far above what anyone could expect from someone of your age. I'd like to offer you the Summer internship, if you'll accept?"

Caitlyn couldn't speak. Her phone, rolling and flipping between her fingers beeped several times. It had already beeped more times than she could count and anyone would think she were popular. She wasn't, far from it. All the messages were probably from Alaina. She was a text maniac. Somehow, that sounded wrong in Caitlyn's head. Meanwhile, Alden dipped his head to catch Caitlyn's eyes.

"I guess." She tried to make it look natural, turning the phone over, checking the number of messages. Twenty-three. Alden expected more than what she had already said. "I mean, yes. Please. I ... I have a number of suggestions for working with room temperature ..."

"I'm sure you do." He gave an easy, warm laugh, reaching out to slap her arm, but thought better of it. No doubt worrying about the appropriateness of the gesture. "I'll have my people call you. We'll send out the paperwork. Just the usual. NDA's, insurance cover, contract for your immortal soul. That last one is mandatory, by the way."

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