Issue 13

16 1 0

A nest of hornets - Part 1

Caitlyn glared at the temporary classrooms, courtesy of Ald-Tech. For whatever reason, Raymond Alden had decided to fund the repairs to the school, furnish them with these portable, but lavish and fully equipped classrooms and had, personally, they were told, searched for and found a top replacement for Professor Halstrom. Caitlyn didn't trust one bit of it.

Something about Alden made her itch. Perhaps only because of her uncle's death, and subsequent blame for the accident, or simply some instinct, Caitlyn didn't trust the man. In many ways he reminded her of Principle, only, with the world's greatest superhero, she knew every single word that emerged from his mouth was the honest truth. With Alden, she could not say the same.

"That's her!" The whispers rippled around the assembled teenagers, completely not looking forward to returning to lessons. "Just how rich is she?"

Rayna Alden. Raymond's daughter, newly transferred to Parkside High and not appearing to appreciate the downgrade from the all-girls academy she used to attend. She looked miserable and well she should. Parkside was not known for its academic quality. In fact, Parkside was well-known as a distinctly average school. One or two students notwithstanding. And, to make it worse, Rayna Alden was to join Caitlyn's class.

"Hey! Ho! Hello! Hello! Hello!" Alaina tapped Caitlyn on one shoulder and skipped around the other. No matter how many times she did it, Caitlyn always fell for it. "How's the combat training going with you-know-who?"

She meant Trooper Jane and Caitlyn had to turn away to hide her blushes. Trooper Jane was super-hot and an utter ball-buster. After the fight with Fear, Caitlyn had thought parts of her body ached that she didn't even know about. After a week training with Trooper Jane, Caitlyn now had aches in body parts that didn't even exist. Vestigial, non-existent body parts. Aching so very, very much. But Trooper Jane really was hot.

"I thought we'd talked about this?" Tugging Alaina by the arm, Caitlyn led her to a quiet corner. "Don't mention ... 'it' ... not even anything to do with ... 'it'. Didn't that thing with ... that person tell you all you needed to know? If anyone found out about ..."

"'It'. I know! If anybody found out I could become a target to get to you. Yes! Noted! Again." She clamped her mouth shut, hands moving behind her back, began to sway her hips and failed to whistle as someone walked by. "See? Discrete. That's like concrete but really hurts feelings as well as makes great housing. So, alright, how's the you-know-what with you-know-who?"

"Amazing!" Caitlyn put a little too much energy into that reply and calmed herself down. Way down. "Tiring. I never knew you could use shields for so many things. She's a little ... focussed and ..."

In their own little world, heading to their new class, they didn't even notice the body in front of them before they bumped into it. Rayna Alden. The girl looked everywhere but at the two of them, gave a mumbling apology for them running into her and then rushed away, tugging her long bangs  along the sides of her eyes. She had amazing, jet black, silky hair. And long. The girl's hair tickled the small of her back and the only reason Caitlyn saw that was because Rayna had rushed away as fast as her feet could carry her. Not a people person, unlike her father.

"Was it something we said? Do I smell?" Alaina lifted her arm, pushing her nose as deep as she could into her armpit and taking a long, deep sniff. She shook her head. "Nope. I smell fantastic. Must be you."

"No-one smells." She pushed Alaina away, palm covering her best friend's face as she tried to sniff Caitlyn's armpit. "I think she's probably a little introverted. Or a lot introverted. Let's face it, her dad's a lot to live up to."

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