Issue 23

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Guilt lies heavy on a burdened head ... - Part 3

Aunt Mary was happy that Caitlyn had made it home early the night before and that they had eaten dinner together. Caitlyn could find her own happiness in that. Since the day Black Staff had died, since Caitlyn had got the suit, her life had become complicated and chaotic. Staying out late, returning to her Aunt's apartment and going straight to her room to hide the bruises that the suit would heal by morning. Caitlyn had noticed the concerned edge that had entered Aunt Mary's voice, but she never accused Caitlyn of anything. Only worried.

Well, after tonight, if Alaina could get what she said she could get, which Caitlyn doubted, she wouldn't have to worry about any of that. Things should, hypothetically, return to normal. Or as close to normal that any teenage girl's life could be. Especially when that teenager had a friend like Alaina. So, far from normal, but nearly as far from normal as having a nano-liquid superhero suit inhabiting her.

School was school. The epitome of normal. Normal-ish. What with the ongoing repairs and the use of temporary classrooms. Everything normal. As normal as normal could be and Caitlyn would keep saying that to herself until it actually was, you know, normal. Which, with Rayna Alden standing in front of her, was not going to happen any time soon.

"I'm so sorry my father cancelled your internship. That must have come as a shock." Rayna tilted her head and turned down the corners of her mouth to advertise just how sorry she was and Caitlyn made some noise she didn't quite recognise in response. "I don't know why he said it was to do with costs. From what I've seen, the company is in good health. Great health, actually. I don't know. Maybe he just decided to go with older candidates? Someone closer to the age where they can transition to full-time work if things go well. Still, he could have been honest with you, right? Give him a few days. Maybe he'll change his mind. I hope he does, but he's not quite himself since the ... ahem ... well, since a few days ago."

"Uh." Caitlyn looked around, searching for Alaina, but she knew her best friend had already called in sick with 'period pains'.

She didn't know what to do. Up to now, Rayna had showed no interest in talking with anyone. Even Alaina had failed to get a decent conversation from her and that was, to put it mildly, impossible. Alaina had once struck up a conversation with a Secret Service guy that was in the detail for some political person, Alaina never bothered to ask who it was, and those Secret Service guys were notorious for their stoic natures and strict adherence to duty. Alaina had made him laugh and talk about the New Hastings Arrows football team. She was that good.

Yet, with Rayna Alden, she had struck out. Now Rayna talked to Caitlyn, the least interesting or talkative of the two friends. She curled her fingers around the strap of her bag as Rayna looked at her, as though expecting an answer, but she hadn't asked anything. At least, no question that Caitlyn thought Rayna expected an answer for. It didn't help that, up close, Rayna's complexion looked even more perfect, with only the tiniest, scarce layer of product.

"But, you see, I think there's more to it because, before, he was all, like, 'You should get to know Caitlyn Carter. She will be a good influence on you'." Rayna lowered her voice to a deep growl that didn't sound anything like her father, puffing out her chest and stomping her feet. "But now, he's all, 'You stay away from that girl!' and, of course, that means I absolutely have to get to know you better. And don't worry, I'm not expecting to become besties. I know that spot's already taken, but, you know, maybe we could hang out?"

"Uh." That was a question. A very definite question and Caitlyn answered in the only way she could. She shrugged.

"Great! Oh, this will really piss my father off!" She leaned in, clutching Caitlyn's arm and kissed her cheek before standing up straight again and digging into her bag for her phone. "Number swap! I could have just got yours from father's work, but that would be a little creepy, right? Number swap?"

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