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Melanii's Pov
November 17th 2022
Thursday, Afternoon 10:45 pm


"Can we go to target, I know it's far but I'll pay you gas money.." I didn't wanna go to Walmart cause it's Walmart, I feel like going to target is more special because it's target. Its cute to go with someone you like or your boyfriend; I don't know but it's just something about it.

I really wanna go because I wanna bake brownies with him tonight and watch movies. But not just any brownies. More like chocolate chip brownies with ice cream, whip cream, M&M's or anything we want. Things like this is something I love the most; quality time. That's obviously one of my love languages.

It's just something about being around your significant other and spending time with them, it shows that you like being around them no matter what y'all are doing. Like me and Ethan for instance— he could literally be at my house and all we would probably do is sleep all day and barely say more than twenty words to each other.

That's what I like about it. "We can go but you not paying me gas money" I knew he was going to say that shit, it's always him trying to say what I'm not going to do.

Ima find a way to sneak him some money or I might even send it to him and then delete the evidence that I did anything so he wouldn't know but him being Ethan; the nigga knows everything I do. "What we going there for anyway?"

Sometimes I be wondering does he ever just sit back and drive without needing or wanting to know the reason to things yet I forget that he thinks he needs to know. "I wanna make chocolate chip brownies with you, more like a chocolate chip brownie bowl." I answer with a wide grin on my face, while looking at his side profile.

He looks at me for a few seconds with a side smile before
putting his eyes back on the road. I love when he gives me that side smile. I just think it's cute on his face, something about it makes me feel all jittery on the inside. A lot of things he does makes me feel that way all the time.

It's a weird feeling but it's a good weird feeling. The drive to target is pretty far about twenty five minutes away due to us already being a little far away from it. I do wanna talk to Ethan but I'm going to stay quiet for now, feeling that I've talked to much already today.

He wouldn't mind me talking though— I'm just going to keep it peaceful and quiet with the music playing. I look down to see his hand placed on my thigh, "Baby you good?" He asks, knocking me out of my thoughts. I guess I was zoned out which made him ask me. I looked his way giving him a tight lipped smile.

  "Yes I'm good" I give him a short response. There's no reason for me to just explain something when there's nothing to explain. "You sure?" He squeezed my thigh lightly, his left hand on the wheel only.

Something about the way he be driven is just so sexy to me and I don't even know why. Anything he does he makes it look so sexy or really just him more attractive.

   "Yes I just zoned out for a bit that's all." My voice softened to reassure him that I am ok. During the whole ride I hummed to some of the songs that came on in the radio, maybe even sung along. Ethan for sure was singing along but I didn't say anything cause knowing him— he'd stop singing if I said something about it.


We're now walking into target and I go to grab a basket. To bad Starbucks isn't open cause I could really go for some right now. Ethan pushes the basket past the cash register's while I stand next to him looking around to see if they have anything cute that I would like to look at and they do.

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