Chapter Thirty Four

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(A/N:::: okay I know this chapter is long overdue but second semester of school was so hectic and I had some serious writers block but now I know exactly where this is going. *inserts cynical laugh here* anyway yeah this is just a filler chapter but I hope you like it. :) )

::Kylie's POV::

"Hello?" I answered my phone groggily. My voice was extremely hoarse and I used my extra hand to wipe the crust out of the corners of my eyes. Seriously, who was calling at this time in the morning? They obviously had a death wish.

I'd been home from the hospital for about a week now... Or maybe two and I'd gotten so lazy. I didn't even bother going to school. I just had Amie bring me my missing assignments and taught myself new material through youtube videos. Moral of the story is, I hadn't woken up before 12 in the afternoon in weeks.

"Hi, may I speak with Kylie Santiago?" The person asked and I could tell by their light voice that it was a woman.

"This is she," I responded simply, trying so very hard to come across as nice as possible, like I didn't have an attitude.. Though I did. I rubbed my temples to try and ease my headache.

"My name is Sara Goodman from the Regional Medical Center. I'm calling to inform you on your test results from your physical you took a week or two ago," she spoke professionally. "You have the option of coming to the hospital to pick up the actual results on paper, or we can mail them to you, but we also call our patients to inform them so when they do get the results, nothing is unexpected."

I shifted uncomfortably and watched as Tyler rubbed his face in his sleep.

In order to make sure I didn't wake him, I slowly got up and went into the restroom. "Oh yes, is everything alright?" I asked nervously.

"Well," she paused, I guess flipping through my information. "For the most part you're in perfect health Ms. Santiago," she stated.

"For the most part?" I asked suspiciously and closed the door behind me.

"Your vitamin D levels are considerably low for someone your age, so we prescribed you some pills that you'll take once a week, for a month until your levels are restored." I thought about how I always tried to avoid the sun and how I never drank milk.

"Yeaaahhh. I can see that," I said back before blinking a few times expectantly. "Is there anything else that I should be worried about?"

"Nope, that's all. Would you like to receive your results in the mail or come by and pick them up yourself?"

"Uhhh..." I thought. "I'll get them mailed to me."

"Okay," she said and I can hear her typing on a keyboard. "Our database has your address as 3629 Pryor Street Is that correct?" She asked and my mouth gaped open a little.

"My new address is 7459 Oak Ridge Lane," I stated lowly, definitely not feeling like explaining that whole situation.

"Okay you should get them in two to three business days," she said politely.

"Thank you," I said.

"No problem, have a great day," she spoke.

"Bye," I said before hanging up the phone.

"Whew," I sighed.

I sat my phone down on the nightstand and smiled at the ceiling. I don't know why I had this horrible feeling that something terrible was going to come back from my test results, like I was pregnant or something..

I chuckled at my uneasiness as I opened the bathroom door and laid back down next to Tyler. What was I even thinking? I wasn't going to be a teen mom and Tyler and I hadn't done anything in months, so really what did I have to worry about?

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