Get over me

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Heather got a text from Leo....

( Private chat with Heather and Leo)

Heather: Who is this?

Leo: Hello Darling

Heather: Wait Leo what the fuck I blocked you

Leo: Oh Heather I always get my way when it's something I want

Heather: How the fuck did you get my number again I blocked you

Leo: I have my ways Heather

Heather: Leave me alone

Leo: Careful what you say Heather unless you want that Spanish guy to disappear

Heather: what your joking

Leo: Oh same old Heather

Heather: fine but don't do anything funny

Heather felt a knot in her stomach. Leo's family had connections with very strange people so she knew he could actually make Alejandro disappear.

( Private chat with Alejandro and Heather)

Heather: Alejandro

Alejandro: Yes amor?

Heather: I'm busy tonight I have cheerleading practice

Alejandro: But aren't practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays? It's Friday amor

Heather: Yes but it's a extra conditioning practice

Alejandro: Oh ok hermosa can I come over tomorrow then at 10pm?

Heather: Yeah that's ok

Alejandro: Ok be safe mi amor, I can't wait to see your proformance😍

Heather: I won't be dancing for you I'll be dancing for the other team

Alejandro: but you are cheering for our school?

Heather: I'm just kidding

Alejandro: Oh ok mi Reina just cheer for me ok?

Heather: yea yea I will

Alejandro: Ok bye💗

Heather: Bye❤️🖕

Heather didn't want to go but she did for Alejandro. Heather got in her car then drove to Leo's house, She didn't feel anything she wanted to lay in Alejandro's safe arms and stay there forever. As she walked up to his front door it felt like she wanted to throw up. Her mind and stomach started twisting and lost control. Heather then finally knocked on the door and met with a gust of wind when Leo opened the door.

" Heather, my darling" Leo said in a cool and scary voice

" What do you want Leo?"

" I want you Heather It was stupid of me to dump you"

" Well too bad I love someone else"

" That little Spanish guy will never lay a finger on you again or he will see what happens when he touches what is not his" Leo said threateningly

" W-What no don't hurt him" Heather stumbled on her words

" Heather Break up with him now" Leo said as he looked Heather dead in the eye

" No Leo get over me!"

" Never darling"

Leo finished saying his words as he grabbed Heather by the wrist and pulled her inside. He then dragged her to his room. Heather wanted all this to be a dream she wanted to wake up but she couldn't this was real life. Leo then yelled at her.

" Heather strip for me"

" Leo what the fuck no"

" Well since you can't listen I have to go with the less softer approach"

Leo yanked her arms with one hand holding them over her head. And Heather laid there not knowing what to do. Should I scream? Should I kick him? Should I yell? She just wanted Alejandro there to save her but this wasn't a fairytale. Then when Heather got a chance she kicked Leo so hard in the guts that he flyed back and landed on his back.

" You bitch your paying for this"

Heather knew she had a chance and she started bolting out of his room. Then when she finally reached the front door she felt a strong tug in her hair making her fall back. All she remembered was everything felt fuzzy and suddenly the world went black.....

When Heather finally woke up she felt a sting coming from between her thighs. She realized she was in his bed but she couldn't find Leo. She looked at herself she had bruises on her chest. Fingernail imprints on her arms, and her head was still throbbing. She felt used, a slut, a whore but she never wanted this. Then she heard footsteps coming closer to the door. She knew of he found her awake then she would be in a worse position. She laid back faking that she was still passes out. Leo walked back in

" I can't to destroy you until your mine"

Heather was absolutely terrified and she was shaking very hard. Leo noticed the shaking and started to shake Heather.

" Heather I know your awake, wake the fuck up"

Leo then grabbed her by the hair until Heather started screaming in pain.

" That's it wake up darling your mine now"

" Go to hell Leo" Heather screamed

" Well that's not very nice Heather let me help you with that fucking attitude"

Leo yanked her and threw her on the bed and started to spread her legs. Heather knew what she was in for and she didn't wanna feel it anymore. Leo's phone then went off  thank god then Heather knew she had an another chance. Then finally Heather yanked a towel and covered herself as she sprinted out of the bed and ran out the door so fast. She didn't know where she was going she just ran while pouring her eyes out. Then suddenly a familiar car slowed down next to her....

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