Stood up by the "love of your life"

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You get ready for your date with your boyfriend, you wear your favorite dress and some jewelry he gifted you, he said he wanted you to look your absolute best today so you did.

He told you to meet him at a bar not far from where you live so you go there and wait and wait and wait and wait until you decide to leave, you left about 100 messages and called him as much.

You can't believe he stood you up. You start to walk home, taking the long way so you could think.

You took a couple of shots before leaving so the night wasn't a total waste.

Then you hear muffled screams and things being thrown around you turn around and see...

"Miguel? What are YOU doing here? Why'd you hurt that man?" You asked clearly intoxicated, which seemed to irritate Miguel.

"Why are YOU walking around here drunk?" He replied with a scowl.

"if you must know, my 'boyfriend' stood me up! we were supposed to celebrate our 6 months together, when I get home I am breaking up with him! He should pay!" You say clearly upset.

Miguel just shakes his head as he watches you go on your angry tyrant about making your boyfriend pay for humiliating you on your anniversary.

"Are you going to be ok getting home?" he asked

"Maybe." You replied, Miguel just sighs as the last thing he wanted to do was take care of some drunk girl, even if it was his 'friend'.

"C'mon I'll take you home." he says trying to hide his frustration. "Okayyy" you reply as you seem to be feeling much better.

He fidgets a bit with his watch, which almost looked like it was too big for his wrist.

"where do you live, Y/N?" he asks finally looking you in the eye.

You open your mouth to say something but stop."Oh, I forgot."

"You forgot?" You could see his frustration build up, but he just sighs and rubs his temples

"How much did you drink?"

"Not a lot, but I'm not good with booze..." then a thought pops in your head. "can I stay at your place?"

"Wha- huh?! No you cannot stay! How do you even forget your address?"

You shrug and kick a pebble. "Dunno, just happens I guess."

He stands there, seemingly weighing his options before coming to a conclusion. "Fine, but if you make a mess you clean it"

You smile and nod "Fine by me!" Miguel mutters something in Spanish and leads you by the arm to his apartment.

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