#18 - Jealous

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

jealous. as the new year dawned, january unfolded with its usual peace. winter's gentle embrace continued to caress the world, and the bonds of friendship remained resolute, holding strong in the face of time's passage. all appeared well in the world.

however, for kunimi, the tranquility of the month was marred by a visit to a shrine. there, the fortune-telling paper had cruelly foretold a year fraught with ill fortune. this prediction cast a shadow of unease over his heart, leaving him hopeful that this year would prove kinder to him.

with the end of the christmas break, the familiar halls of the school welcomed kunimi back, but this time, he treaded cautiously, hyperaware of his surroundings.

a week had passed without a glimpse of y/n, for her parents had restricted her from going outside. patience prevailed within the male, and he refrained from venting his frustration, understanding the constraints placed upon her.

stepping into the school building, kunimi's keen eyes fell upon an unfamiliar face engaged in conversation with y/n, just outside their homeroom.

the sight of y/n's warm smile, a rare occurrence with anyone other than himself, sent a pang through kunimi's chest.

an enigmatic emotion gripped him, leaving him bewildered—was it anger or something else entirely? unbeknownst to him, this was the sign of his ill fortune.

brows arched in curiosity, he passed by the pair. y/n's gaze locked onto him, and she waved with a cheerful, "kunimi-kun, hi." however, kunimi's response was an abrupt stop, followed by a small wave, his demeanor cooler than the winter air.

the gurl furrowed her brow, momentarily puzzled by his uncharacteristic chilliness, attributing it to perhaps a bad morning. "oh...okay."

shrugging it off, she resumed her conversation with the unfamiliar boy, unaware of the brewing storm within kunimi's heart.

once kunimi had settled into his seat, his eyes were drawn to y/n as she made her way into the classroom. she offered a final wave to the guy she had been conversing with before making her way to her desk.

a disgruntled 'tch' escaped the male's lips before he busied himself with his smartphone. as y/n took her seat at her desk, she couldn't help but inquire, "how's january treating you so far, kunimi-kun?" her voice carried a hint of genuine concern.

deliberately avoiding her gaze, he responded in his characteristically blunt manner, "fine." the short reply hung in the air, a big contrast to their usual interactions.

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