#19 - Competition

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

competition. a day had passed since kunimi had come to terms with his newfound romantic feelings for y/n.

he had tried to approach her in the morning, eager to mend the rift between them, but to his surprise, she seemed to be giving him the cold shoulder, mirroring his own behavior from the day before.

this had left a heavy sense of melancholy in his heart, and he fully comprehended that it was his own actions that had caused this distance between them. his only plan now was to apologize and make amends.

after volleyball practice, kindaichi had left early to attend to some errands, leaving kunimi to walk home alone. as he strolled through the school's hallways lost in his thoughts, he encountered a familiar face emerging from the teachers' office. it was souta.

kunimi, not wanting to engage with him, tried to walk past without acknowledging his presence. however, souta recognized him and called out, "you're kunimi, right?"

he quickened his pace to catch up to him, who turned to him with a raised eyebrow and asked, "how do you know my name?" souta explained, "you're y/n's friend, aren't you?"

hearing y/n being addressed so familiarly by her first name hit him like a pang of jealousy, suggesting a deep bond between them since childhood. he then nodded in confirmation.

"nice to meet you. i'm tachibana souta, i just transferred here from tokyo!" he introduced himself with a friendly salute, expecting a similar level of enthusiasm from kunimi. however, he responded with a quiet "hm."

souta chuckled and continued, "really sorry for being a bother, y/n has spoken highly of you, so i was curious to meet you."

his words piqued kunimi's interest, prompting him to inquire, "she did?" souta nodded enthusiastically, adding, "woah, i had expected you to be more lively and energetic, but you're the complete opposite. maybe that's why she's so fond of you."

his words brought a hint of warmth to kunimi's heart, a welcome respite from his recent emotional confusion. "why are you still at school?" kunimi asked, steering the conversation in a different direction.

with a nonchalant shrug, souta replied, "oh well, i was just chatting with the basketball club coach. thinking about joining the team."

kunimi's mind was anything but casual. thoughts raced through his head as he wondered whether y/n had a soft spot for basketball players, perhaps more than volleyball players.

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