Spanish Gold

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"What are you doing?" the captain yells some time later, waking you up. "Did you really fall asleep on the floor, princess?"

You groan as you sit up, realizing you're still sitting in a cell. "Ugh. Why do you insist on calling me that?"

"It fits you. You came with all those supplies and your own little house," he sneers. "Must be nice."

"Y-You're joking, right? Do you not know what a tent is?" you laugh at him.

"What are you talking about?"

"The, uh, little house. I was sleeping in my tent when you came and found me," you clarify.

"A tent?"

"Yeah, that's what they're called... Wait a minute, did you go through my stuff?!"

"What if I did?"

"You're unbelievable. How dare you," you snap.

"Relax," he scoffs. "I just wanted to see what I could take from your little house."

"Tent! What did you do with-" you begin as he holds out the rolled-up map of Tsiji. "My map," you finish.

"Your map? Did you write it?"

"No, it's- Look, just give it to me."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because I asked nicely. Now hand it over, jackass."

He laughs. "That doesn't seem very nice. Besides, it's what I need to talk to you about. Where did you get it?"

"I found it," you explain.

"Found it where?"

"In an old museum. Look, why does it matter where I got it?"

"This map, it's different," he says, pointing to the red X marked at the center. "It has a marking."

"So, you've never seen this map before?" you question him.

"No," he says as he pulls up a chair and sits outside of your cell. "It doesn't make sense... How could someone know where my treasure is?"

"Look, if you want my help, then you're going to need to tell me what you know. I just want to help."

"Fine," he groans. "I found the island with my crew. We were going to grab the gold and ditch this god-forsaken place. But a storm hit, and we were forced to abandon our ship, leaving the treasure behind.

"Okay, then what happened?"

"I don't remember," he admits. "Everything went dark. When I woke up, I was alone on the island. The others didn't make it out of the storm alive."

"So, wait, I'm confused. If you left the treasure behind on your ship then wouldn't it be around here someplace?" you ask him.

"What? This isn't my ship. You think I'd live on this piece of crap?"

"Wait, hold on. I thought you were the captain of this ship. How can this not be your ship?"

"Because the captain of this ship is dead," he tells you. "That asshole and his crew heard of what happened to my treasure and came here to try to take it. So, I made sure that didn't happen."

"You killed an entire crew?" you gasp.

"I did what was necessary. Now, enough about the past. Are you going to help me or not?"

"Well, that depends. Can you read the map? Without it, we're completely helpless."

"Yes, but the island is massive, and there are a lot of places it could be. We'll have to search everywhere."

{PIRATE'S TREASURE} Bakugou x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now