Lost Gold

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You've been awake for far too long and it seems like you've made no progress in figuring out the secret to opening the stupid chest. You know that the longer you stay up, the worse the exhaustion is going to get. You've already tried drinking a whole bottle of rum to try and keep yourself alert, but you can't help but fall asleep.

When you wake up the next morning, your eyes feel like sandpaper. You blink a few times and rub them, trying to get rid of the burning sensation. Then, as you get a sense of your surroundings, you find Bakugou messing with the lock on the chest. You stay quiet, making sure he doesn't notice you as you watch him work.

He's moving the combination of stars around the chest, just as you had been doing. However, he looks like he's having more luck than you did.

"Fuck," Bakugou growls under his breath. "I can't believe this shit."

"What is it?" You ask, finally speaking up.

"What the hell, woman?" He snaps, startled. "Were you watching me?"

"I was. You look like you're having a lot more success than I was. What do you think it is?"

"Well, it's stars, right?" he begins, "and we're in summer so, it's got to be one of those star combination locks."

"How did you figure that out?" You ask, a bit jealous.

"I told you, princess. Those rich jerks come to this island and I watch them," he reminds you. "They've got all kinds of shit they bring with them."

"So you're a thief, too," you scoff. "I should've known."

"Anyway," he grumbles, ignoring you. "It's got to be one of the star combinations that come out in the summertime."

"Yeah, but there's millions of them," you sigh.

"Yeah, but there's a limited number of them that are visible from here, so..."

"So, you're going to try all of them?"

"It's either that or I blow the whole chest up and you already said no to that idea."

"Yeah, but, you know what," you shrug. "Blowing it up might work."

"No. This is my only chance to get off this fucking island, and I'm not gonna fuck it up," he glares at you. "Just let me do this."

So, you sit back and watch him silently as he moves the stars around on the chest. You can't help but think to yourself how smart Bakugou is, despite how much of an asshole he is.

"Hey, Bakugou," you call out.

"What?" He replies, sounding annoyed.

"How did you figure out what those symbols were on the side?" you ask him.

"What symbols?" he grumbles.

Okay, maybe he's just a lucky guesser.

"Uh. Nevermind," you shake your head.

Just then, the chest glows a golden color and clicks. Bakugou stands up straight and stares at the chest in amazement.

"Holy shit," he gasps.

"What is it?"

"I opened it."

"Well, open it all the way!" you exclaim.

He pulls the lid of the chest open and a gust of wind rushes by the both of you. You then reach down into the chest and pull out a round object. You hold it in your hands and examine it closely.

"Is this some kind of dial?" you ask.

"Looks like it," he says, taking it from your hands.

"So, it's a map," you murmur. "Another fucking map."

"That's what I'm guessing," Bakugou nods as he places it down on the ground.

"Great. Just what we needed."

"Wait, look," he hums as he glares down at the dial. By the look on his face, you can't tell if he's excited or nervous. Didn't he just say he wanted to figure this out and get off this island?

"What?" you ask, your curiosity getting the better of you.

"It's not a stupid map. It's a sundial," he explains.

"And why do I care about what time of day it is?" you sigh as you shake your head.

"Because we can use it to tell when the summer solstice is," he responds, a grin spreading across his face.

"What?" you gasp. "Really?"

"See, right here? When the sun shines on the center of the dial," he begins to explain as he points to the dial.

"That's when the solstice is," you realize, the excitement starting to build.


"So, all we have to do is wait until the sun hits the center," you add, "and then we can finally open the cave and get the treasure."

"Yes, and I'm guessing it's going to be pretty close to where we found this chest," he theorizes.


"Because it was on the fucking map, genius," he scoffs.

"Oh. Yeah," you mumble, embarrassed. "So now what?"

"Now, we wait."

The two of you sit there in silence as the dial slowly rotates.

"For, uh, how long?" You ask after a few minutes.

"I don't know, but it's really close. Probably until tomorrow or something."


"Yeah, well, it's not like the dial is exact, alright?" he huffs, getting defensive over the whole situation.

"No, I mean, that's so close! I've got to pack my things up and be ready to go. That boat isn't going to wait to pick me up forever and I've got to make sure I get back home before they ditch me here forever."

"Oh," he says, his voice softer than normal. "Yeah. Yeah, of course. You need to get home."

"Bakugou," you murmur as you move towards him. "I didn't mean it like-"

"Whatever, Y/N, just go get ready. I've got shit to pack, too," he says loudly as he stands up. You watch as he walks off, leaving you alone.

As you watch him leave, you sigh to yourself. "I didn't mean it like that," you whisper, feeling bad.


The thought of leaving her is more painful than I'd like to admit. I'd gotten so used to her being around that I hadn't realized just how attached I'd become to her. But she's not mine, and she's got a life and a family somewhere.

I slam the door to the captain's quarters behind me and I can't stop the rage building up inside of me. She was my last hope of getting off this island. Now, it's all gone to hell. She'll get my precious treasure and I'll be the one stuck here forever.

I kick the chair over and the glass on the table shatters as it crashes to the floor. "Shit!" I curse as the pain in my foot radiates up my leg. I've been a pirate my whole life. I've faced danger and death. But now, I'm nothing more than a broken man. How can I even call myself a pirate?

I grab a bottle of rum left behind by the most recent group of idiots to come visit the island and take a big gulp. It burns my throat and makes my stomach churn.

"Fuck," I hiss as I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand.

It's not long before I finish off the entire bottle. My body feels numb and my mind is spinning. I'm not sure how much time passes as I stare out the window at the moon. The only thing I know for certain is that she's leaving tomorrow and I'm not going to be any different than I am right now.

I stand up from the chair and stumble over to the bed. I can't stay awake any longer. I collapse onto the mattress and let the darkness consume me.

{PIRATE'S TREASURE} Bakugou x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now