Solar Gold

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As you and Bakugou continue to follow the cryptic instructions on the map, the tension in the air is palpable. Both of you are sick of searching the island just to come up empty-handed every day. It's getting closer and closer to the summer solstice. And it's already been two weeks since you started looking.

But on one fateful day, as Bakugou stuffs his face in the map, you find yourself in an area that is unfamiliar to you. The dense jungle around you gives way to a small clearing, and you see the outline of what looks like a small building.

"Bakugou!" you gasp, recognizing the shape. "It's a ruin!"

"You're right." He replies as he looks up from the map to see, a smirk playing on his lips. "And that's the location on the map."

"Oh my God!" You exclaim, a grin spreading across your face. Then, without really thinking, you throw your arms around Bakugou in an excited hug. "We found it!"

For a moment, Bakugou's surprised at the sudden contact. His body stiffens as if he's unsure of how to respond. But then, his usual demeanor returns, and he gives you a light shove. "Get off me!" He yells. "I don't need you clinging to me!"

"Okay, okay." You laugh, releasing him from your grip. "Come on. We need to check this place out."

The two of you head toward the ruins. They're small, but clearly very old. A stone structure surrounded by vines and vegetation. There's an eerie feeling that hangs in the air, and the sound of birds chirping in the trees echoes through the forest.

"I think you're right," you whisper to him. "This place does feel cursed."

"Damn right it does," Bakugou snarls.

As the two of you look around, you notice that there's a chest half-buried in the ground. You kneel down to get a better look at it, and you see that it's made of stone and metal.

"It's sealed," Bakugou comments as he examines it.

You roll your eyes. "You didn't even touch it. How would you know?"

"Because I can tell," he snaps.

"Then how do we open it?"

"First, you'd have to dig it up but I don't think that's a good idea," he shakes his head. "We have no idea what's inside."

"So what are we supposed to do? Leave it here?"

"Yes. We should probably keep looking around and see if there's anything else," he suggests.

"Bakugou, there's nothing here. And it's still not the solstice," you sigh. "Shit, do you even know when that is?"

"Uh, well, it's in the summer, right? So...sometime between June and August."

"Great. So we still have no idea," you shake your head. "Come on, help me dig this thing up. Maybe it'll give us some answers."

"We already know what's in it, idiot," Bakugou scoffs.

"We do?"

"Nothing good," he says, a frown on his face.

"How would you know? You didn't even try to open it," you argue.

"Because I just know," he tells you. "It's some kind of buried treasure, right? On this island, that's not a good thing, princess."

"What? Why not?"

"Because," Bakugou takes a deep breath, and you can see that he's getting frustrated. "The curse is on this island, and everything that comes with it."

"You and your curses," you shake your head yet again. "Fine, if you help me dig it up and I get cursed, I'll let you say 'I told you so,'" you offer.

{PIRATE'S TREASURE} Bakugou x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now