Black Hills Gold (NSFW)

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"Just put your socks back on. We need to keep moving."

"I'm not going anywhere until I warm up."

"We've got a treasure to find, princess," he reminds you. "Put your fucking socks on."

"I can't," you huff. "If I keep going like this I could get seriously sick. We need to start a fire and dry these things out."

"Fine," Bakugou grumbles. "You start the fire, I'll look around."

You nod and set to work gathering a bunch of sticks and some dried leaves. You hardly notice as Bakugou walks off.

About an hour later, you notice Bakugou walking back towards your small light. However, he stays just far enough away for you to need to squint to tell it's actually him.

"Did you find anything?" you ask, hopeful.

"No," he responds, his voice sounding odd.

"Are you okay?" you ask, concerned.

"I'm fine."

"Come over here and warm up by the fire. You sound terrible."

"I'm not cold, remember? I'm fine," he continues to be stubborn.

"Just do what I said and come here," you snap.


"Why not?!" you reply suspiciously.

"Because..." he trails off, his voice cracking.

"Bakugou," you say firmly as you stand up on your aching feet, "I can barely see you over here. Come into the light."


You slowly begin to step closer to him, your feet dragging along the ground.

"Y/N, don't," Bakugou warns.

"Why not?"

"You won't like it," he grunts.

"What the hell are you talking about? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine."

"Bakugou!" You say angrily. "I swear, if you're hurt, I'll-"

"You'll what? Threaten me with the wrath of an immortal curse?"

A few more steps closer, and you can finally make out his face in the light. But instead of his usual angry scowl, his expression is filled with pain.

"Your skin," you gasp as you get a better look at him.

"It's bad," he nods, his face looking worse than before.

"It's not just your skin, your entire body is...."

"Gold," he finishes your sentence.

"Yeah," you murmur.

"I'll be fine," he assures you. "As soon as we get the treasure, the curse will go away. I'm sure of it."

"How are you even standing? I can't believe it. This whole time, your body was turning into gold."

"Yeah, well, it doesn't feel great, either," he replies.

Now, close enough to touch him, you reach out and place your hand on his face. Your heart drops when you feel the metal beneath his skin.

"Bakugou," you whisper as you stare at him, tears welling in your eyes. "How long has this been happening?"

"It started when you came," he huffs. "Maybe you're the fucking problem."

"Me?!" you scoff.

"I had never seen it before. Not since the night I got this damn curse. But, the minute you stepped foot on my ship, I could feel the change."

{PIRATE'S TREASURE} Bakugou x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now