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                 ◇|Aster Romano|◇

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                 ◇|Aster Romano|◇

                                 ◇                     ¡Nyx!Nyx¡Nyx!

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                                 ◇                     ¡Nyx!Nyx¡Nyx!

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               ♤|Nico di angelo|♤

                                 ♤               ¡Hades!Hades¡Hades!

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◇♤In which the son of Hades has a fear of rejection, and the son of Night has an over whelming urg to kiss the child of death

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◇♤In which the son of Hades has a fear of rejection, and the son of Night has an over whelming urg to kiss the child of death.♡◇

                                ♡--------------------------—----------------------------Reminder I don't own Percy Jackson only Aster!

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Reminder I don't own Percy Jackson only Aster!

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