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Chapter Four
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Way you move your body,
girl I'll give you an advance


"Shit," Lourdes said with a shake of her head and a choked-up cry. She stared at the pregnancy test. "I fucked up! I fucked up!" She declared as the positive pregnancy test clattered against the bathroom floor.

Lourdes' eyes watered instantly as she sat on the cold floor with her head in her hands. Her tears ran along her cheeks. Merely a damn week of unprotected sex and she ends up pregnant.

"Well, I did this to myself. I gotta deal with it," She said as she stood up from her sitting position, grabbing her pregnancy test and throwing it away before heading straight for her bed. "I'll just cry myself to sleep and deal with this in the morning," She said to herself.

Too bad for Lourdes, Luis had other plans after RAW in Omaha, Nebraska, Luis took a flight to her place in Miami and entered her house as she was crying in bed. Luis stood at her slightly opened bedroom door, listening as Lourdes cried to herself about being irresponsible.

Luis dropped his bags as soon as Loudres asked herself what was going to do with the baby. Luis pushed the door open and walked in.

"You're pregnant?!" Luis asked, shocked but low-key excited.

Lourdes sat up and screamed, placing a hand on her chest as she tried to catch her breath from the fright.

"What? Luis, what are you doing here?" Lourdes asked him.

"I came to surprise you," Luis answered as he moved closer to the bed. "Mariposa, are you pregnant?" He asked her.

Lourdes nods.

"When did you find out?" He asked, climbing onto the bed.

"I took a test a few minutes ago and it was positive," She answered.

Luis smiled.

"We're having a baby," He said with a very big smile, tugging her into a hug.

"Yup," She said.

Luis frowned.

"Are you not happy?" He asked.

"It's...Are you okay with it? We've only been together for four months, Luis, isn't it too soon?" She asked.

"I mean it's not an ideal situation to be in but I'm happy. I love you and I want this. I want us. It's not like we don't know each other, Lourdes, we have history and we will make this work," He answered.

Lourdes nodded as she was relieved when she heard those words coming from Luis' lips. It's like he made all her fears disappear with his words. She closed her eyes as she could feel Luis tightening his arms around her waist.

"Okay," She said.

"I got you and our baby, Lourdes," He said.

lourdes✓ 6h

lourdes✓ 6h

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