Niña Bonita

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Chapter Seven
Niña Bonita

We gon' go crazy with this money
We do hot yoga, 92 degrees

Lourdes had invited Carmella to be a guest on her podcast, In Reality With Lourdes where she opened up about the ups and downs of her pregnancy journey, if she plans to return to the WWE post-baby, and more.

"We had so much fun at your baby shower," Lourdes said.

Carmella smiled.

"Yes, we did," Carmella said.

"What cravings or pregnancy symptoms have you been experiencing? I know in your first trimester, you were very vocal about experiencing morning sickness," Lourdes said.

"Yeah, I mean, it was more like all-day sickness. I feel like it's crazy. I had no idea how rough it would be in the first trimester. You hear about morning sickness, you get, you know, a little tired here and there. But for me, it was debilitating. I was so tired. I felt so sick all the time. And I'm like, 'Why does nobody talk about this? How come nobody told me it would be this bad?' Not that it would have changed anything," Carmella said.

"But now that I'm in the third trimester, I got to feel so much more myself in the second trimester, and I get why people forget about how awful the first trimester is because now I'm just kind of like living my life as normal and I feel like myself again. But I will say that the first trimester is rough as far as cravings go. I'm not craving anything in particular. I'm leaning into more of the fresh fruits and veggies now because the first trimester was all just like pizza and carbs and pasta and things like that. So now I can finally get back on track with what I normally am eating. So I'm just kind of trying to find a healthy balance between the two," Carmella explained.

"You have been open about your pregnancy struggles on social media, talking about your miscarriages and experiencing an ectopic pregnancy. What made you want to open up about your journey?" Lourdes asked.

"It wasn't something that I initially thought I would share but I had the first miscarriage and I just kept it to myself. I didn't say anything. I just thought, 'Okay, well, this is what you do. You just deal with it, you move on.' And then when it happened again, it was just sort of isolating. I felt alone. I felt like I was blaming myself, like, 'Why is this happening to me again?' And I just thought I needed to share it for myself, because I was a different person, because after losing two babies, you know, it changed me," Carmella answered, trying to not tear up.

"I also felt like if there's one positive spin I can put on all of this, I can maybe help one other person that's going through it. [...] I mean, even some of my girlfriends [said] that they went through it and they didn't tell anyone. And like they were thanking me for sharing my story. [...] I can't imagine dealing with such a devastating loss and dealing with it by yourself and it's just sort of led me to be more open with everything as far as the miscarriages, the losses, the struggle with fertility, the even sharing my pregnancy journey, as I said, people don't talk about how hard it is in the beginning. [...] I was struggling those first few months. And I just think it's, it's something that I'm working on right now a project where we can be more open and have conversations about these things. Because it's almost a stigma around, you know, loss and around infertility and around, you know, feeling sad about being pregnant and your body changing and things that people don't want to talk about it. So something that I think is very important to share and be open with," Carmella continued.

Lourdes nodded.

"Are you planning to return to the WWE post-baby?" Lourdes asked.

"I want to go back. [...] I'm someone who likes to be, you know, active and keep busy. So it's hard, I think, to go from working so much all the time and being on the road all the time to the exact opposite. I want to go back; I think it's important to show that you can be a mom and still have a career especially a very physical one. That being said, I want to take my time going back, I don't want to rush. Having a baby and delivering a baby in and of itself is such a huge physical toll on the body. So I want to make sure I feel great both physically and mentally before I go back," Carmella answered.

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