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Chapter Five

We can do exactly what you like, baby
And it's all on me

Dovie entered her house and was met with Lourdes, Paige, and Tanice standing in her foyer. "What are you guys doing here?" Dovie asked them.

"Spill," Lourdes said.

"We know what happened last night," Paige said.

Dovie sighed.

"How?" Dovie asked.

"Almia told me," Lourdes answered.

Almia had called Lourdes and told her everything that went down at the restaurant. "I fucked my neighbor," Dovie told them.

They came to check on Dovie and see how she was doing, but they weren't expecting to see her do the walk of shame into her home from Joe's house.

"You fucked Joe!" Lourdes exclaimed.

"How was it?" Paige asked.

"Why would you leave that man alone in bed?" Tanice asked.

Dovie groaned as she opened her fridge looking for something to drink.

"Because I shouldn't have slept with him, at least not like that. I've never slept with someone I barely know before," Dovie explained.

"You slept with someone you barely know for four years because look how he did you so you shouldn't feel bad about having sex with Joe," Lourdes said.

Dovie snorted.

"I don't feel bad about having sex with him, I just feel like I used him that's all," Dovie said.

"Yeah, maybe you did but you can always make it up to him," Paige said.

Dovie shakes her head no.

"Oh no, I will never face him again," Dovie said.

"Why not?" Tanice asked.

"Because he had me doing things that I have never done before," Dovie answered.

"Like what?" Paige asked with her eyebrows raised.

"Begging him to put a baby in me! I was a mess last night like his dick had me saying things I ain't never said during sex with Patrick," Dovie answered.

They all let out a shout at Dovie's words.

"Oh, the dick was good! Memzi, Dovie has been delivered," Lourdes said, chuckling.

"Six rounds of good dick that I even got up and cooked him breakfast before I realized I needed to get the fuck up outta there," Dovie said.

"Oh damn, okay yeah he's gonna be pissed when he wakes up and you ain't there," Tanice said.

Divide woke up dickmatized and walked into Joe's kitchen making him breakfast before reality set in for her and she realized that she fucked up last night.

"You've been dickmatized, It's too late, you can't realize, It and get stretchy no matter the size, It's not fake, you've been dickmatized!" Lourdes sings.

"You've been dickmatized, You've been dickmatized," Tanice and Paige sing along with Lourdes.

Dovie sticks her middle finger up at them.

"Fuck you, hoes," Dovie said.

The girls laughed before Dovie's doorbell rang.

"Oh, it must be Joe, he probably gonna drag her ass back to his bed," Lourdes said.

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