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The day came for Shedeur's outing with Marley, and he didn't know what she and Shilo had done, but he felt confident she'd enjoy their day more.

Marley looked herself over in the mirror, feeling content with her outfit. She had paired a white crop top with some fitted cargo pants and her white AF1s, simple but cute. After accessorizing and applying perfume, she was ready to go.

She sat at her island scrolling on her phone, looking up once she heard the door open. An instant smile forming on her face when she saw the bouquet of white roses Shedeur carried.

"These are so prettyyy, thank you Shedeur." She gushed as he handed them to her, "You welcome, wanna put them in a vase now, or when we get back?"

"Can you get the vase from the cabinet?" she asked, wanting to take all the steps to preserve them for as long as possible.

Shedeur got the vase down and watched as she trimmed the stems before putting them into a water, sugar, and bleach mixture.

"Bleach not bad for flowers?" he questioned, having never seen that done before. Marley shook her head, "I saw on TikTok it make them last longer, and it worked for the other bouquets you got me, so I just keep doing it."

Shedeur nodding before leading her outside and to his car. If it had been any other day he would've let her drive, but he had to keep the element of surprise for what he had planned.

"I want you to listen to this song." Shedeur said trying not to sound nervous. He scrolled through his phone a bit, hitting play, before pulling off.

Marley smiled and bobbed her head as Shedeur's voice flowed through the speakers, impressed by how good he sounded.

"Okayyy not you a rapper/singer on the side." Marley said hyping him up as the song came to an end.

Shedeur couldn't help but smile at her response "You think it's good for real?" She was the first person he'd played it for, nobody else's opinion mattering to him.

"Yea, play another one. Matter fact, send them all to me." Marley said making Shedeur laugh, but doing as she asked quickly so he could focus his attention back on the road.

After riding for a while Marley started to wonder where they were going, her face lighting up as she saw them pulling up to the fair.

"Oh my God I didn't know the fair was in town, are you going to ride stuff with me?" She said excitedly as Shedeur found a parking spot.

"Don't I always?" he said, happy to see that she was excited. He paid for them to get inside the fair, purchasing them both unlimited ride bands, letting her lead him to all the rides she wanted to get on.

Marley was only a mild thrill seeker, so she shied away from all the extreme rides, but not only choosing the lame ones either. After getting on all the rides of her choice, they started to play some of the games set up.

"Bet you can't win me that big bear." Marley said stopping at a football game set up, Shedeur gave her a look before giving the man the money to play. She watched as he easily threw the football at all the targets, winning within seconds.

"Here, you want another one?" Shedeur questioned as he handed the bear to her, she shook her head no "No need to show off, let's go get some food."

They sat at a table sharing a turkey leg, vinegar fries, and funnel cake and both having their own separate Icee's. They ate in silence for a while, before Shedeur asked a familiar question.

"Marley, what you like about me that's different from Shilo?" he asked while popping another fry into his mouth. Marley chuckled to herself a little bit, finding it amusing the brothers had unknowingly asked her the same thing.

"Let's see you're super attentive, like you pay close attention to everything about me. Your patience is everything, I mean you bought me a car and haven't gotten annoyed with helping me drive or even getting angry when I mess up. Lastly, I think you're very selfless, with everybody not just me, and I really admire that." She answered.

Shedeur nodded, feeling good to hear her answer, "Thanks pretty girl, you ready to go?"

He asked noticing she had stopped eating. She nodded her head, taking a final bite of funnel cake before wiping her hands clean. After cleaning up they headed to the car to go to their next destination.

After riding a while Marley was shocked and confused when they pulled into a Target parking lot. She looked over at Shedeur with a raised eyebrow, "What you need out of here?"

"Well we baking later so we getting that and whatever else you want." Shedeur said pulling into a parking spot.

"I can get whatever I want?" Marley asked, making sure he knew what he was agreeing to. She loved Target, and tended to go overboard every time she went in here.

"Yea Marley."

She did a little happy dance in her seat before getting out the car. They headed into Target, and she grabbed a buggy, doing a thorough sweep of every section. She took videos and pictures for memories as they made their way through the store, making the Target trip fun.

After shopping they loaded the bags into Shedeur's car before heading back to Marley's house. After putting away all her Target items, she met Shedeur in the kitchen so they could bake some brownies.

Marley believed cooking or baking with someone was a fun and intimate way to get to know them better, so she liked that Shedeur had chosen this to end their day off. She watched as he focused on mixing together the ingredients, unable to resist the urge to flick some flour on him.

"Oh that's what we doing?" Shedeur said while Marley laughed, stopping once she felt a large chunk of flour fly into her face, followed by Shedeur laughing.

"Ha ha." She said sarcastically wiping off her face, then wiping his. After getting the brownies in the oven, they started to clean up. Afterwards they found themselves sitting on the sofa watching TV while they waited on the timer to go off.

Marley glanced over, seeing Shedeur staring at her instead of the TV. As soon as they made eye contact, it was impossible for her to look away. Marley found it so easy to get lost in his eyes.

"I wish you'd go ahead and choose me..." Shedeur said softly, his hand that was previously dormant on her knee, now rubbing it gently.

"Why?" Marley asked, trying not to let his touch fluster her too much.

"So I can get that kiss I been waiting on." Marley didn't respond, happy to hear the timer for the brownies go off.

"Come on, let's taste them." She said getting off the sofa, Shedeur following behind her.

The brownies had come out amazing. They hung out for a while longer before she packed up some brownies for Shedeur to take with him, giving him a hug, and seeing him out.

They were both happy to have had an enjoyable time together.

But Marley found herself conflicted once again, hoping that after spending a day with each of them, she'd find some clarity on who she wanted to choose.

But in reality, both the days with the boys had been amazing, and she was more confused than ever.  

Three's Company |Shilo Sanders|Shedeur SandersWhere stories live. Discover now