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Marley G. Cooper

I was currently at Jayla's house helping her set up for a house party. There was no special occasion, I think she was just in the mood for some attention.

"Thanks so much bestie, everything looks so good." Jayla said walking over to where I was, "No problem Jay." I said as I finished setting up the table with the food and drinks.

"So what's been going on with you? I haven't seen you in forever." She stated while pouring herself a shot of Hennessy.

"My bad girl I just been busy." I said not wanting to give her any details, "Rightt, is busy code for hopping between Shilo and Shedeur?" I frowned at her response.

"Who told you that?" I didn't have time to have people gossiping about something they knew nothing about.

"Nobody, just guessing...you want one?" she extended a shot glass to me which I took. I felt like I was going to need a little liquor in my system to get through the night.

It seemed like it took forever for people to show up, but eventually the party was in full swing. I sat in between Shilo and Shedeur, who I'd begged to come, catching them both up on my life.

"So you starting law school in the Fall?" Shilo asked and I nodded my head with a smile, "I thought you was gone stop with your Bachelor's." Shedeur said taking a sip of his water.

"I thought about it but nah I want one more degree under my belt." I explained, "Well congrats Mars, I'm proud of you." Shilo said, "We proud of you." Shedeur corrected making me laugh, "Thanks guys."

I sat and talked with them for a while longer before getting up to see what food was left. I frowned once I got to the table, only seeing some cookies left.

"Fat ass people..." I mumbled while picking the cookies up. I turned around, shocked to see I was now face to face with some man.

"Hey how you doing beautiful? My name Hakeem." He introduced with a goofy smile on his face, "Marley."

"I seen you from across the room and was wondering if I could get your number?" he said, looking me up and down.

Before I could open my mouth to say no, Jayla came out of nowhere pulling me away to the bathroom. She shut the door, turning to look at me with an obvious attitude.

"What? What's wrong?" I said both concerned and confused, "Why the fuck you always go for the men I want Marley?" she asked aggressively.

"Huh? What you talking about Jayla?" my response making her roll her eyes, "I was talking to Hakeem, and it was going good, then a few minutes later you all in his face."

I chuckled, not really meaning to laugh in her face, but she couldn't be serious. "Jayla he was in my face, not the other way around. You saved me the trouble from turning him down by snatching me in here."

That only seemed to make her angrier as she pushed past me to exit the bathroom. I shook my head at the encounter, this always happened with Jayla. After this party, she'd be lucky to even get a text back from me. I rejoined the party, mingling with some acquaintances, making sure to stay far away from Jayla so she didn't do anything she'd regret.

Shedeur Sanders

I sat in the same spot Marley and Shilo had left me in. Shilo had went to the kitchen, determined to find something to eat, and Marley was somewhere talking. I scrolled on my phone out of boredom, having no interest in this party.

I heard somebody clear their throat, looking up and seeing Jayla standing there with a smile. "Hey handsome!" She said as she sat down next to me, making me scoot over because of how close she was.

"Wassup." I kept my eyes locked on my phone, wanting it to be obvious I didn't want her in my presence.

"Thank you for coming to my party." She said placing her hand on my shoulder, making me shrug her off, "I just came cause Marley asked me too."

"Fuck her." She said with an obvious attitude making me look up at her with a raised eyebrow. "You know she's gonna pick Shilo right? Look she over there with him right now." She pointed to where Marley and Shilo were standing and talking.

I was caught off guard to hear her saying that, not thinking she knew anything about the situation. "She told you that?"

"Obviously. Now let me give you my number." She said snatching my phone out my hand and typing her number into it before handing it back with a smile. I deleted it immediately, seeing the frown come across her face.

I sat there thinking about what Jayla had just said. Maybe Marley had decided and that's why she invited us to the party, to reveal it.

"I'm finna go talk to Marley." I said while standing up. She quickly jumped up and threw herself at me making me stumble a bit, "NO! Come on, let's go to my room, I can make you forget all about her I promise!"

I used enough force to push her off of me back into the seat before walking towards Marley and Shilo.

"Marley can I talk to you?" I asked, "Yea sure, we can go out front." She started to lead the way, but the sound of a scream made us stop in our tracks.

We looked to the right seeing Jayla now coming at Marley full speed, "I'm finna fuck you up bitch!"

In the blink of an eye the two were fighting. I knew Marley could fight so I wasn't worried, but I knew Jayla was the type to call the police, so I was trying to break it up. Shilo made his way over to help, but Marley had a death grip on Jayla's hair.

"Marley let her go!" I said, keeping them separated while Shilo tried to pry her hand open. He managed to get it loose enough to where Jayla could get free.

Jayla got herself situated before looking at us, knowing she wouldn't get through to get to Marley. She looked around realizing she was being laughed at by majority of the partygoers.

"Everybody get the fuck out now!"

We all started to head outside, Marley still in a silent rage came and got into the backseat of Shilo's car. I figured Jayla had came and gotten her, so we were now her way of getting home.

"You good Mars?" Shilo asked, breaking the silence, as he started to drive. "Yea..." she responded lowly.

"Why she did that?" I shot a look at Shilo for asking questions knowing she hadn't calmed down.

"Ask Shedeur, she was over there with him." She said obviously irritated, "She just jealous."

Another silence fell over the car. Despite me knowing it wasn't a good time, I didn't want to end the night off with any uncertainty.

"Marley...did you tell her you were gonna choose Shilo?" I asked turning to see her face now frowned up, "When have you ever known me to tell her anything? That dumbass question."

"My fault." I said turning back around in my seat, letting silence fall over the car again before Shilo cleared his throat, "Well um-when you think you gone make a decision?" he hesitantly asked.

"Shilo don't piss me off. Does this really seem like a good time to be worrying about that? Believe me when I make my mind up y'all will be the first ones to know."

After riding for a few more minutes we were at her house, "I'll talk to y'all later." She grumbled before getting out the car and heading inside.

"You made her mad." I said as he pulled out her driveway, "You made her mad first." He retorted.

Without saying it, we both knew the best thing to do for Marley was let her get some space. 

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