three •

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After a difficult few days of policing, myself, Officer Bradford and Officer Lopez found ourselves at the local bar.

The dim light of the bar casted a soft glow over the corner booth the three of us had settled into, the three of us exchanging small talk about how our days had been. We all shared stories of our cases and the challenges we'd faced.

Lopez had wondered off to get another drink as both Bradford and I continued to sip on our first drink. Bradford had always been curious and perceptive, even in the academy. He looked at me, eyes filled with genuine interest.

"Hale," he begin, his voice carrying a mix of curiosity and concern, "I've been wondering since you got back, why did you leave the detective department? Let's admit it, you were brilliant at it." He asked.

I hesitated for a moment, my eyes flickering with uncertainty. I knew since Bradford comforted me last week, he'd have questions to ask eventually. I took a deep breath, attempting to find the right words.

"It's complicated, Tim. Sometimes things just don't work out the way we plan. You know?" I admitted, using his first name for the first time since I'd been back.

He nodded. His expression remained encouraging, "I get that. But you were one of the best. I can't imagine you just leaving without a good reason." He spoke truthfully.

I looked down at my drink, fingers tracing the rim of the glass. "It's personal." I admitted. "There are things... things I went through that made me reevaluate my choices. I needed a change. Something different." I told him truthfully.

Bradford frowned slightly, I could tell he'd picked up on the depth of my unspoken pain. "I won't pry, Madelyn. But just know, if you ever want to talk about it, I'm here." He admitted.

A small, appreciative smile met with my lips. "Thank you Tim. I appreciate that. You're a good friend." I complimented.

Lopez soon returned to the table with new drinks in hand for all of us. I could tell she'd sensed the heaviness in the air and had greeted us with a concerned expression. "Is everything okay, you two?" She asked.

I managed a weak smile, attempting to hide the turmoil beneath me. "Yeah just talking about old cases. You know how it is." I brushed off.

I could tell Officer Lopez knew there was more to it, but she decided not to probe further. The three of us continued to talk, shifting to a lighter topic. However, despite everyone's efforts, I felt the weight of my past continuing to linger.

The night progressed and the alcohol flowed, I'd found myself succumbing to its effects more than I'd attended. Bradford, noticing my unsteadiness, realised it was time to call it a night. Concern was etched on his features, he gently placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Hale, I think it's best if we head out. You've had enough for tonight." He told me. Even though my words were slurred, I agreed. Lopez chimed in, saying she'll call a cab.

With the help of Lopez, Bradford managed to get me into the cab; Bradford following behind. Considering Bradford was the responsible one of the newfound trio, they'd decided it was best he'd take me to his home.

After the cab ride, Bradford guided me into his home, helping me sit on the bed. My eyes felt heavy with exhaustion and the effects of the alcohol.

"Thanks, Tim." I mumbled, voice barely audible.

Bradford offered a reassuring smile, "no problem Madelyn. Just get some rest. You'll feel better in the morning." He reassured.

He went to grab me a glass of water, likely suspecting I'd need it. Still laying on top of the covers, I drifted into a drunken slumber. Bradford returned to the room, placing a blanket over me.

Illusive | Tim BradfordWhere stories live. Discover now