twenty one •

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My heart felt light as I walked into the station, the memory of Tim's kiss lingering on my lips. For a moment, hope had blossomed inside me, whispering the possibility of something more than friendship between us. I couldn't help but entertain the thought of a future where Tim and I could be more than friends.

But as I turned the corner and saw him standing there, Ashley at his side, the hope shattered like fragile glass. They were back together, and the devastation that washed over me was like a tidal wave, crashing down with a force I hadn't anticipated.

I tried to maintain my composure, to mask the disappointment that threatened to consume me. My steps faltered for a moment, a storm of emotions churning within me. The smile I had worn from Tim's kiss faded, replaced by a facade of indifference. I couldn't let anyone see how deeply this had affected me.

As I continued walking, I kept my gaze fixed ahead, trying to ignore the ache in my chest. Tim's laughter and Ashley's voice blended into the background, a painful reminder of what could have been. I felt a lump form in my throat, a bitter taste of unspoken words and missed chances.

I retreated to my desk, trying to focus on my work, on anything other than the image of Tim and Ashley together. Each click of the keyboard, each phone call, was a distraction, a feeble attempt to drown out the whirlwind of emotions inside me.

I couldn't help but wonder if I had misread the situation, if the kiss had meant nothing more than a fleeting moment of weakness for Tim. The doubt gnawed at me, eroding the fragile hope that had briefly taken root in my heart.

I stole glances at them throughout the day, unable to tear my eyes away from the couple that had unwittingly shattered my dreams. Their smiles, their shared glances - each one felt like a dagger, piercing through the armor I had built around my heart.

I had to accept the truth, no matter how painful it was. Tim and I were just friends, and perhaps that was all we were ever meant to be. The thought was a bitter pill to swallow, but I had to swallow it nonetheless.

As the day wore on, I forced myself to focus on the tasks at hand, to bury the hurt beneath a facade of professionalism. But deep down, the pain lingered, a constant ache that served as a painful reminder of what could have been, and what was never meant to be.

The hours that followed were a blur of routine and forced smiles. I tried my best to carry on as if nothing had changed, as if my heart hadn't been bruised by the realization that Tim and I would never be more than friends. Every time I saw him, the ache resurfaced, a reminder of the unspoken words between us.

I threw myself into my work, using the demands of the job as a distraction from the turmoil inside me. The streets of Los Angeles became my refuge, the familiar rhythm of patrolling helping to ease the pain, if only temporarily. But even amidst the chaos of the city, the ache remained, an ever-present companion that refused to be ignored.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow across the cityscape, Tim and I found ourselves on a quiet rooftop overlooking the city. The distant hum of traffic and the occasional sirens served as a backdrop to the heavy silence between us.

I couldn't help but steal glances at him, my heart clenching at the sight of his profile against the fading light. His expression was unreadable, his thoughts hidden behind a mask of calm. I longed to reach out, to bridge the distance that had grown between us, but I knew it was impossible.

"Madison," Tim's voice broke the silence, and I turned to face him, my eyes searching his for any hint of what he might be feeling.

"I'm sorry," he said softly, his gaze dropping to the city below. "I never meant to hurt you."

I mustered a weak smile, a facade of strength that crumbled the moment his eyes met mine. "It's okay, Tim," I replied, my voice barely a whisper. "We're still friends. That's what matters, right?"

He nodded, his expression pained. "I value our friendship, Madison. I don't want to lose that."

His words were like a bittersweet melody, a reminder of what we were and what we could never be. I nodded in response, my heart heavy with unspoken emotions.

As the night descended upon the city, we both retreated into our thoughts, the weight of unspoken words hanging between us like a ghost. I wanted to tell him how I felt, to bare my soul and risk everything for the chance of something more. But the fear of rejection held me back, a barrier I couldn't bring myself to breach.

In the quiet of the station, I made a silent vow to cherish our friendship, to protect what we had even if it meant suppressing my own desires. The ache in my heart persisted, but I buried it beneath a mask of acceptance.

As we stood side by side, gazing out at the city that never slept, I knew that I would carry the weight of my unspoken feelings in silence. And in the depths of my heart, I held onto a glimmer of hope that maybe, someday, the timing would be right, and our paths would align in a way that allowed us to be more than just friends. Until then, I would continue to cherish the moments we shared, even if they were just as friends, and find solace in the silent echoes of my unspoken love.

Nolan's intuition was sharper than I had anticipated. As Tim and I stood on that rooftop, the unspoken tension between us, Nolan approached, his eyes flickering with concern. He interrupted our conversation, a silent plea for my help pulling me away from the heavy atmosphere.

"Hey, Hale, can I talk to you for a minute?" Nolan's voice was gentle, his concern evident. I nodded gratefully, my heart feeling a slight reprieve as I followed him a few steps away from Tim.

Nolan glanced back at Tim, his expression a mix of sympathy and understanding. He was trying to help, and I appreciated it more than words could convey. In that moment, I needed a lifeline, someone to pull me out of the whirlpool of my emotions.

"Thanks," I whispered to Nolan, my voice hoarse with unshed tears.

"Are you okay, Hale?" Nolan asked, his concern deepening as he looked into my eyes.

I wanted to tell him the truth, to let the floodgates of my emotions open and wash away the pain. But the words caught in my throat, a lump of sadness and frustration that refused to dissipate.

"Just leave me alone," I managed to say, my voice sharper than I intended. I didn't mean to snap at Nolan, but my emotions were a turbulent storm inside me, threatening to drown me in their intensity.

Nolan hesitated for a moment, his eyes filled with empathy, before he nodded understandingly. "I'm here if you need to talk," he said softly before giving me a reassuring smile and walking away.

I watched him go, his departing figure a reminder of the compassion that still existed in the world. But despite his kindness, I felt utterly alone, isolated within the confines of my own emotions. The weight of unspoken words, unfulfilled desires, and shattered hopes pressed down on me, threatening to crush my spirit.

Illusive | Tim BradfordWhere stories live. Discover now