twenty •

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The day Tim told me about his break-up with Ashley was peculiar. There was an unusual calmness in his eyes, a lack of the expected sadness or frustration. I couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion as he shared the news with me.

We were in the break room, just the two of us. Tim leaned against the table, his expression composed. "Maddy, Ashley and I decided to end things," he said, his voice steady.

I studied his face, searching for any signs of distress, but there were none. "Are you okay, Tim?" I asked cautiously, my concern evident in my voice.

He nodded, a faint smile touching his lips. "I am, surprisingly. It's amicable. We both realized it wasn't working, and we decided to part ways."

I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. Tim's calmness was almost eerie, considering the end of a relationship was usually accompanied by a whirlwind of emotions. "I expected you to be more upset," I admitted, my words careful.

Tim shrugged, his gaze distant for a moment. "Sometimes, things just don't work out, and it's better to accept it and move on. We both agreed it was the right decision."

I couldn't deny the logic in his words, but there was a part of me that sensed he wasn't revealing everything. "Are you sure you're not just bottling up your emotions, Tim? It's okay to be upset or hurt."

He met my eyes, his expression softening. "I appreciate your concern, Hale. Really, I do. But this time, I think I'm genuinely okay. It's a mutual decision, and we're both mature about it."

I nodded, accepting his words, yet a lingering suspicion remained. Despite his reassurances, I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to the story, something he wasn't telling me. But I respected his privacy, not wanting to push him further if he wasn't ready to share.

In the following days, Tim continued to carry himself with an unusual calmness, as if the break-up hadn't affected him deeply. I watched him from a distance, my curiosity piqued, but I chose to respect his boundaries, trusting that if he needed to talk, he would come to me.As his friend and partner, I remained by his side, offering silent support in the way I knew best - through our shared dedication to our work and our unspoken understanding. And although I couldn't completely shake off the feeling of unease, I trusted Tim's judgment and chose to believe that he was handling the situation in his own way.

The night was cool as Tim and I stepped out of the station. We had spent the evening talking, reminiscing about old cases, and sharing lighthearted jokes, trying to chase away the lingering tension that had settled between us after his breakup with Ashley.

As we walked back to my house, I couldn't help but feel a sense of ease in Tim's company. Despite the recent events, our friendship had remained a constant, a reliable anchor in the midst of change.

Inside my living room, I offered Tim a seat on the couch. He looked around the room, his eyes landing on the photographs scattered across the walls - snapshots of moments in our lives, both on and off duty. The room felt familiar, a sanctuary where I could be myself, and tonight, it offered a sense of solace to both of us.

I fetched a couple of glasses and poured some water. Tim and I continued our conversation, the topics shifting from work to personal experiences, the easy flow of dialogue a testament to the depth of our connection.

Tim glanced at me, his gaze thoughtful. "Hale, I just wanted to say thank you for being here tonight. It means a lot to me."

I smiled, appreciating his words. "Of course, Tim. Friends support each other, no matter what."

He nodded, taking a sip of his water. "I'm glad we have this, you know? Each other."

I nodded in agreement. "Me too, Tim. It's important to have someone you can rely on, especially in tough times."

We fell into a comfortable silence, the weight of unspoken emotions lingering in the air. Tim's presence felt comforting, a reminder that even in moments of vulnerability, we weren't alone.

As the night wore on, we continued to talk, sharing stories and laughter, finding solace in each other's company. Eventually, fatigue settled in, and Tim stood up, stretching his arms.I felt the atmosphere of the room change. It was charged with a of mix emotions. Tim looked into my eyes, seeing a strength that he had become inspired by.

As if he were drawn by an invisible force, he gently cupped my face in his hands. My breath caught in my throat as I met his gaze, my eyes searching his for reassurance.

In that moment, the weight of our shared experiences, our understanding for each other and the unspoken connection between us seemed to bridge the gap that had also kept us apart.

Tim leaned in slowly, seeming to be giving me time to pull away if I wanted. But I didn't.

Our lips met in a soft, tentative kiss. It was a blend of vulnerability and desire. Time felt as though it had reached a stand still as we both lingered.

In the aftermath of our kiss, we both slowly pulled back. Our eyes met, and locked, in a silent conversation that spoke volumes. The room felt as though it was buzzing with an electric energy, as if the universe itself had acknowledged the significance of this moment between us.

Breaking the silence, I spoke softly. My voice was filled with a mix of vulnerability and excitement. "That wasn't a Tim Test right?" I lightly joked as my eyes sparkled with amusement.

Tim chuckled, his laughter felt warm and genuine. "Well, if it was, I think we both passed with flying colours." He replied, his tone light and teasing.

I rolled my eyes in a mock exasperation. But there was a fondness to my expression, "smooth recovery Bradford." I said, my voice still teasing.

He winked at me, "I do try my best."

In that exact moment, I realised our connection was something special. Something that I thought was worth exploring. Whilst we both still maintained close proximity and eye contact.

Tim took advantage of our close proximity, gently cupping my face once more. His thumb brushed against my cheek.

Without a word, we both leaned in. Our lips met again, the touch of our lips conveying a newfound sense of intimacy and affection between us.

This kiss was once again soft, with a depth of feeling that woulda could never capture. It continued for longer than the first one.

Illusive | Tim BradfordWhere stories live. Discover now