forty one •

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Third persons perspective

The two officers and one sergeant had reached Guatemala. It was day time, and they were plotting how they would get Angela Lopez back to LA safely.

As Max was explaining all the weaponry he had, Officer Hale zoned out. She was just looking at the house. Until Sergeant Bradford spoke.

"We won't need them. This turns into a shooting war, we lose ten times out of ten." Bradford expresses, and everyone could admit he was far from wrong.

"In the bags, there's pistols, an RC ground drone, scrambled radios, flashlights, food, and water. You have ten hours to get your woman and get her back here for exfil5. We won't wait, and we will not make more than one pickup. Is that clear?" Max tells the trio.

They all agree, and Max bids them off. Bradford begins to speak, "all right, we're gonna set up an overlook, recon the compound while you go steal the blueprints from the architect, find us a way in." He tells the three of them.

Nolan nods, looking at his watch. "Right. Wesley's plane should be landing right now." He informs them all.

Hale look to Nolan and Bradford, "Wesley needs to play his part perfectly, or they're gonna kill him the second they're clear of the airport." Hale expresses, and the others agree.

At the recon site, Bradford and Hale assemble and deploy a small RC ground unit with a camera. In order to examine the external defences of De La Cruz's compound. What they find is not exactly reassuring.

"On the bright side, they don't have a tank." Tim comments.

Hale raises her eyebrows, "yeah, but they have everything else. I mean, this place is crawling with guards." She tell him.

A police car now drives up the hill to the entrance. It's assumed that's Wesley.

"Cop car -- he's coming up to the house." Bradford comments, then looking at the video feed and seeing Wesley climbs out. "Well, they didn't kill him." He speaks, attempting to be positive.

Nolan gets out of his vehicle with the compound plans in his hands, walking over to Bradford and Hale.

"I got bad news. According to the blueprints, this place is a fortress -- redundant security systems, pressure-sensitive alarms." Nolan informs.

"But there should be a covert way in. It's an access tunnel that leads to the wine cellar. Pan left." Nolan informs.

"Okay." Hale speaks, before doing as Nolan tells her.

"Right at the base of the house. And, there. Now zoom in. And it -- Damn it!" Nolan exclaims. There's an entryway to what looks like a cellar, but they've put a gate across it.

Plan B was their biggest fear, but they'd decided to do it anyway. To save Angela. After they injected Angela to promote labour, we saw them rushing to the hospital.

Nolan had decided to go save Wesley. Because they were taking him somewhere to kill him. After a back and forth call with Nolan, attempting to persuade him. Nolan hung up the phone, saying he had to do it.

"There's nothing we can do to help him now."
Bradford expressed.

Tim turns to Hale, "you ready?" He asks.

Hale shakes her head. "I did tell you I hated this plan, right?" She asks.

"Twice. But it's gonna work. Element of surprise. Little shock and awe. A controlled retreat." Bradford says with confidence.

Hale doesn't share the same confidence as him in this plan. "Yeah, we'll see how "controlled" it is. I'll see you on the other side." She comments, before they split up and head in opposite directions.

The SUV and a police car pull up to the rear entrance of the hospital. De La Cruz and Lopez get out, along with some of their men and Dr Morales. De La Cruze and the doctor are about to help Lopez up the steps when the back door opens.

Hale emerges with a wheelchair. De La Cruz barely has a moment to recognise Hale when Bradford appears, driving an ambulance into the right side of the police car. He then throws a couple smoke bombs into the car, disabling the men inside.

Hale nods to Lopez, let's go of the wheelchair and pulls out two handguns. Lopez reached into the seat of the wheelchair and picks up a gun as well.

Hale, Lopez and Bradford enter the hospital. They keep their guns trained on De La Cruz and her remaining sidekick until they can get in and lock the door.

De La Cruz grabs a gun off her dead henchman's body, shoots the doorknob and gains access to the hospital. She's only a few seconds behind the trio.

Hale is helping Lopez stumble over to leak on a wall. "Okay. Alright. How do you feel about running?" Hale enquires.

Lopez looks at her like she's stupid, "I'm in labour." Lopez tells her.

"Not for long." Hale implies, injecting her with the substance that will stop the effects of the pitocin.

"We gotta go. We gotta go." Bradford rushes.

A henchman has broken open the hallway door as Bradford, Lopez and Hale all run for it. De La Cruz is following them.

Hale lifts the comm to her face, "Max we need immediate evac." I tell him.

"We're three minutes out." Max replies.

There's a shootout going on in the hallways, Hale shoots a hole in the fire extinguisher, which ruptures and downs the henchman.

Gunshots fill their ears. "We'll be dead in three minutes. Get here faster." Hale tells Max.

Max's helicopter is just landing as Bradford, Lopez and Hale all burst out of the hospital building and race toward it.

"Let's go. Let's go!" Max rushes.

Once they're in the plane, Lopez looks to the other two. "What about Wesley? And Nolan?" She asks.

Bradford looks to Max, "we need to make another stop."

"No other stops, I told you that." Max informs.

All three of them draw their weapons at once and point them at Max. Max is quick to say they're going to make another stop.

Everyone piles into the helicopter. They're all victorious but extremely exhausted.

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