Chapter 5: It's You & Me, Always

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‼️Hi everyone! So sorry for being inactive and not updating since July! Life got busy! I'm going to try to get back into the swing of things here and update more consistently again! With that being said, I would recommend going back to Chapter 4 and re-reading, cause this chapter is going to pick up right where that one left off. But when you're all caught up, I hope you enjoy, and once again, so sorry for not updating sooner, and I'll get back on track, I PROMISE!😊

As always, don't forget about the Song of the Chapter at the beginning and end of each chapter!🎶

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text
🎶Song of the Chapter: "If You Love Her" by Forest Blakk🎶

Take it

If she gives you her heart

Don't you break it

Let your arms be a place

She feels safe in

She's the best thing that you'll ever have

She'll love you

If you love her

On days when

It feels like the whole

World might cave in

Stand side by side

And you'll make it

-The Surf Shack at the Chateau-

Kiara's tears dry after a while of JJ holding her, and have now been left looking red and puffy. JJ knew exactly what to do for her in that moment in time, and in the midst of her sobs, she believes she fell more in love with him than she already was. This was not something you do within the first few weeks of your new relationship, this was something you did, when you've been together for months maybe even years to some couples, Kiara thought to herself.

But she always knew with JJ it was going to be different. He already knew her so well just by them being best friends for years. Unlike the rest of the Pogues, JJ always seemed to know exactly what she needed, whether it was to leave her alone, to offer and smoke a J with her, go out to the break for a surf together, or just sit with her and let her vent to you, he always knew what to do in every situation, and she noticed that even before feelings for each other were involved.

So for JJ to find her at the surf shack, and just sit with her, and eventually hold her while she lets all her pent up emotions out, it makes her heart swell. She never wants to be known like this by anyone else.

She's pulled out of her thoughts when JJ starts rubbing her forehead and brushing the hair out of her face. She looks up at him over her shoulder. Their eyes meet, and he waits for her to talk.

"I need to see them J, it's time." she says softly.

JJ breaks eye contact with her and looks out ahead of them to the marsh. He presses his lips together, and nods his head.

"If that's what you believe you need to do Kie...then you should." he says.

"Believe me, I don't really want to, but I know I'm not going to be able to hold off on it much longer." she says.

"Well, before you go, I brought along something to help mellow out the nerves." JJ says reaching for something in his pocket. She scrunches her eyebrows, and cracks a smile when he pulls out a joint for them to share.

"What do you say?" He looks at her with a smug smirk.

She looks back at him, smiles and says "you know me so well."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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