1 - I wanna make you cry like you knew

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Izuku Midoriya wakes up, staring at his ceiling. He slowly sits up, his alarm ringing in his ears. He slowly reaches his hand over to the alarm and clicks the button on the top, stopping it mid beep. His hair is tangled, and he has eye boogers, which he wipes away sleepily.

 He slowly gets up, the cold air just making him want to go back under his warm covers again. His stomach rumbles and he stands there, just letting it all sink in. He's awake now, so he has to get ready for school.

 Its silent except for the sounds of him moving around the house getting his stuff together. He creaks down the stairs and walks to the front door, not bothering to say goodbye. He knows his mom isn't home. 

He ties his shoes up and goes outside. He walks to school, a blank look on his face. Even when class starts, it all feels like some blurry haze that Izuku isn't really a part of. There is soft chatter and sounds, people whispering and handing things to each other, the scribbling of pencils, scrapping of chairs.

 It all sounds so muffled as Izuku rests his chin on his arm, taking out his mechanical pencil and clicking the back of it. Izuku clicks his pencil again, watching the thin pencil lead get closer and closer to the desk. 

It snaps, and he watches the broken lead roll off of his desk and onto the floor. He's bored out of his mind, not even bothering to listen to the teacher going on and on. For some reason, it all feels so pointless. Why is he waking up so early in the morning anyway?

 It's not like he's going anywhere in life. His mom would probably be better off not having to worry about him so much. Besides, he hates school, and he hates his classmates, there isn't anything keeping him here. 

"Now class, who can tell me what-"

 The door of the classroom is slammed open, and everyone's attention is brought to the entrance, including Izuku's. A blonde walks into the classroom, slamming the door behind him. The teacher glares at him, arms folded. 

"Bakugou. Do you have a good reason for being late and missing most of my class, and then interrupting my lesson?"

 Katsuki Bakugo shrugs, his lips turned down in a frown, his eyes narrowed into a glare. The teacher gets even angrier, tapping his foot and holding his hands out in a frustrated gesture.


Bakugou looks around the classroom before stepping over to his desk, which happens to be right in front of Izuku's. The back of the blonde's chair hits his desk, but he doesn't bother saying anything about it, clicking his pencil and watching the led come out again.

 The teacher lets out a huff of breath before continuing with the lesson, giving up on scolding him. Izuku glances at him, only seeing the back of his head, blonde spikes shifting as the other moves.

 Him and Katsuki used to be friends, best friends, but Izuku guesses they kind of lost touch since they grew up. It was partly because back in middle school, the blonde had been so busy with becoming a boxer. 

That coupled with other things, the blonde became even more popular, way too popular for Izuku to even keep up with. Sometimes, the blonde shoves him around and calls him names, which sucks, but he doesn't really care about that. 

His mechanical pencil takes all of his attention for the rest of class until the bell rings. He stands and packs up all of his stuff. When he's halfway done, Bakugo is already walking out of the class with his backpack slung over his shoulder.

 Izuku starts his walk home, holding his backpack straps. He walks out of the school grounds, in a sort of daze. He passes the gates and turns, walking towards his home. If his mom is home from work, maybe they could hang out or something. 

What's the point in that? She'll probably be way too tired from working so much, she doesn't have time to deal with Izuku rubbing his loneliness off on her. 

He lets out a sigh, red shoes thudding against the concrete. He passes some small stores, all with colorful signs and letters, showing off deals and products. He gets to a convenience store, walking past the small dark alley that separates the building from other ones. 

When he walks past it, he stops for a moment, before he walks backwards. He looks into the alley again, seeing Bakugo on the ground. His back is leaned on the wall, his legs out and almost touching the other side of the alley. 

Red eyes flicker up to him, that displeased look never leaving his face. He looks beat up, his tie discarded somewhere on the ground, his face covered with purple bruises.

 "What the fuck do you want Deku. You want to laugh at me or some shit."

 Izuku shakes his head, his hands now at his side. 

"Why would i want to laugh at you?"

 Bakugou doesn't say anything, looking at the brick wall in front of him. There is even trash littered around him and Izuku notices the toppled over trash can a couple feet away from him. Why is Bakugo getting beat up so badly?

 It doesn't look like its nothing new, judging by the way the blonde doesn't really seem effected by it other than physically. 

"Then what the fuck do you want."

 Izuku hesitates, glancing away and back again. 


He doesn't know why, but a sudden thought strikes him, looking into red eyes and that beaten up face. At the person that he admired so much when they were kids and into middle school, and even now.

 At the person sitting in a dingy alleyway with trash scattered around him. And he says what's on his mind without thinking about anything else. 

"Do you want to run away with me kacchan?" 

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