3 - I wanna make you lose

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The two of them walk beside each other down the sidewalk. He glances at Bakugou, who is looking forward with his hands in his pockets. He looks away from him quickly. What should he say? Does he even have to say anything? 

He should have thought about this before he said anything! He doesn't want to go back home or else he'll end up chickening out or something. That would be so embarrassing, he wouldn't be able to look Bakugou in the eyes ever again. 

He glances at him again only to find him already looking at him. 

"Deku why the fuck do you keep looking at me." 

Izuku feels his cheeks warm up and he knows his face is red.

 "N-no reason! It's just, you look pretty beat up-" 

The blonde glares at him darkly and he puts his hands up quickly, only getting more and more embarrassed. 

"And when we're running away, what if someone thinks its suspicious and calls someone?"

 Bakugou's glare softens, and he looks at the store they stopped in front of. It has mannequins out in the windows, all posed with different outfits. There is also a side grocery store attached to it. 

"Let's change while we're at it. Not like we can get very far in our fucking uniforms."

 Izuku nods and they both walk into the store. The door slides open and there is a soft chime sound playing under the happy sounding music. Bakugou walks past the check-out area and Izuku meets the eyes of one of the employees. 

He flashes them a nervous smile and speeds up to walk next to the blonde again. He looks unaffected though, just following the signs and going to the clothes section. Izuku follows, looking through the clothes and at the price tags. 

He holds up a plain looking shirt and looks at the tag. It reads thirty and he instantly puts it back. 

"Kacchan, i only have twenty dollars on me..." 

Bakugou narrows his eyes at him, pausing his tag searching.

 "You asked me to run away with you and you only have twenty fucking dollars?"

 Izuku shushes him, glancing around. There is a middle-aged woman a couple of feet away from them. She pauses her own shopping to look at them. He leans closer to Bakugou, whispering.

 "Well, I didn't exactly wake up today with the plan of running away!"

 Bakugou's red eyes flicker to the women, still watching them, and then back to him.

 "Fuck just pick something out of the clearance section then Deku! You're not gonna be walking on the runway or some shit. What shirt are you wearing under your uniform?" 

Izuku flushes and puts his hands on his uniform, unbuttoning the first few buttons.

 "I was following you, not my fault you walked over here..." 

He mutters, opening his jacket. Katsuki stares at his shirt, his face blank. 

"What the fuck is that?"

 Izuku turns even more red, and he quickly buttons his jacket back up.

 "It's my All Might shirt!" 

Bakugou snickers, turning away from him. 

"You are such a fucking nerd."

 Izuku, feeling way too embarrassed right now, quickly walks away from him. He still hears Bakugou laughing to himself as he walks to the clearance bin. There are shirts under five dollars, but they all have crazy prints.

 Izuku holds up a yellow one with monkeys on the front, big smiles on their faces. The tag on the back says, 'Smart Monkey.' He grimaces and is about to put it down when a voice speaks behind him. 

"That one is definitely a must. And only five dollars. It'll go well with your hair Deku." 

Bakugou says between snickers, and he glares at him. 

"Ha. Ha. You're so funny."

 He leans over the bin and starts to dig through all of the shirts, looking for something at least a little normal. He feels Bakugou's hands digging into the bin too and he yells, his voice muffled under the shirts. 

"Don't try to suffocate me Kacchan!"

 "I won't! Damn..."

 He grips a plain white shirt and pulls it out of the bin. He holds it up and scans it for anything weird looking. A perfectly white, plain shirt.

 "I got one!" 

He looks at Bakugou, who is looking at him.

 "Did you pick one yet?" 

The blonde shrugs and swipes a random one from the bin, a black T shirt.

 "There. Now let's get the fuck out of here."

 Izuku catches the middle-aged woman's eyes when they get out of the clothing section. They both get to the check out and Izuku scans his shirt before he remembers something. 

"Wait here for a second Kacchan!" 

The blonde furrows his brows and opens his mouth, but Izuku is already rushing off towards the pharmacy section. Izuku quickly scans the isles, not wanting to keep Bakugou waiting. He takes a box of bandages, disinfectant, and some cotton swabs before going back. 

He drops everything on the check out and scans everything. Bakugou watches him for a moment, still with that confused look on his face. Izuku says goodbye to his crinkled up twenty-dollar bill with a small tear and grabs his bag. 

They both quickly walk out of the store and back onto the sidewalk. 

"You went all the way across the store to get fucking Band-Aids?"

 Izuku looks at him and holds the bag up slightly, 

"Well yeah, that's the whole reason we went in there in the first place! You're all beat up."

 Bakugou looks like he wants to say something, but he just grumbles out a, 


 Izuku swings the bag slightly as he walks, careful not to hit Bakugou with it. 

"Where should we go now?"

 Bakugou grins at him, scoffing.

 "We're running away, right? Not like we can fucking stay here, so let's take the train."

 Izuku furrows his brows and tilts his head slightly.

 "But i don't have any money to spend on my own ticket Kacchan..."

 There is a mischievous glint in the blonde's eyes. 

"Then we just won't pay. Hop on the train before anyone can notice, then get the fuck out."

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