5 - I wanna make you cry like you knew

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He really shouldn't have asked Bakugou something like that. They don't even know each other that well anymore and now Izuku is asking him to talk about something so personal? He's curious but that doesn't mean he can just bring stuff like this up! 

Bakugou doesn't say anything for a couple of beats, his red eyes seemingly lost in something else. Izuku catches himself staring and looks at the sign that now says there's a minute left.

 "I got blacklisted."

 Izuku snaps his head back to him, eyes wide. The blonde doesn't look at him, just looking at the empty tracks where the train will soon be coming to a stop. Blacklisted? Is he talking about his boxing career? Maybe he's talking about something else? 


 Bakugou glances at him, his eyes glaring into his soul. 

"I got blacklisted from every single fucking gym in the area. Even if I go somewhere else, I highly doubt any extra is gonna wanna coach me."

 Izuku almost can't believe his ears. Boxing had been Bakugo's dream since they were kids, he had worked so hard to climb all the way to the top. Everyone had thought he would be on his way to winning championships all the way till the worlds, and now Izuku finds out he's been blacklisted? 

His mouth is quicker than his brain and he spouts out, 

"B-But how did that happen? You worked so hard, and I thought-"

 The last part of his sentence goes unsaid when Bakugou interrupts him. 

"Yeah, I fucking thought i would too."

  I thought you were going to take on the world.

Izuku remembers racing to get tickets to all of Bakugo's fights, even when he was just a rookie fighter at the time. He would spend every bit of his allowance on blank t shirts and headbands just to write Bakugo's name with markers so he could cheer him on. 

How after, the blonde would look at him and grin despite being covered in bruises. 

"If you blink and miss even a fucking second of me taking the world belt, I'm going to be seriously pissed Deku." 

He doesn't say anything else. What can he even say? That is a pain that Izuku will never be able to understand. Bakugou doesn't want someone who doesn't even get it to try and comfort him. The train races on the tracks with a thrill screech, a burst of wind brushing through Izuku's hair. 

It slows to a stop in front of them, a voice coming from the speakers. 

"Green line now ready for boarding. One minute till departure." 

The doors open and people begin to get off of the train. A little kid grips his mom's hand as he holds a red balloon with the other, a big grin on his face. Several businessmen come off the train in a group, talking animatedly to each other about getting dinner to celebrate the new promotion.

 In the chaos of it all, Bakugou looks at him, his mouth in a straight line.

 "You ready?"

 Izuku looks at him and then at the open doors of the train. He nods and walks through them, Bakugou following behind him. They can't find any open seats in the crowded train, so they both stand next to each other, holding the poles or the handrails.

 Izuku feels his side right up against Bakugos, and it only gets worse as more and more people pile into the train car. He's about to say something about it. Maybe they should switch or stand at different parts of the train? 

Bakugou must be seriously uncomfortable being forced to stand like this. The words die on his tongue when the blonde uses his other hand to reach into his backpack. He pulls out an earphone case and his phone. 

He taps on the screen for a second before opening the case and titling it toward him, red eyes looking at him in silent question. Izuku takes one and puts it in his ear, the blonde doing the same. 

What he hears is a lot softer than he would have thought. It's not the same kind of music the blonde would always listen to when training, screamo or something similar. 

"Waiting to get there... Waiting for you..."

He looks out the windows of the train, watching everything pass by. How long will they ride this train for? The both of them want to get as far away as possible, so maybe until the line stops.

  "When I'm around slow dancing in the dark... don't follow me, you'll end up in my arms..."

He glances at Bakugou, who stands there so strong despite all of the shit he's gone through. He knows he will never stop admiring him, because its him as a person that Izuku feels this way for. He looks back at the window and grips the handrail tighter as the train shifts everyone.

 The train gets emptier the longer they ride it, people getting off and fewer coming on. Eventually, it's just them in the car and Izuku sits down, Katsuki sitting across from him. 

"I heard you're happy without me and i hope it's true..."

Izuku can't help but let out a small laugh, which catches the blonde's attention. 

"What the hell are you laughing at?!" 

Izuku grins at him. 

"I don't know, I just think it's funny this is the kind of stuff you listen to when you aren't, you know, gearing up for something."

 Bakugou glares at him, sitting comfortably in the train seat. His legs are slightly spread, and he has his arms on the backs of the seats, sprawled out. The sun casts yellow glows onto his skin and damnit, he should have become a model after getting blacklisted because Izuku would wholeheartedly buy every single magazine with the blonde on the cover.

 "I will gladly take my earphone back and you can sit in fucking silence Deku." 

The next hour would be total torture. 

 "Wait i didn't mean it in a bad way! Honest!"

 "Better not have or I'm throwing your broke ass out this train at the next station."

 Izuku gasps.

 "You wouldn't..." 

The blonde gives him a menacing grin.

 "I so fucking would."

 Izuku's expression breaks into another smile, and he laughs. This time though, the blonde just rolls his eyes. Izuku won't mention the smile he has on his face right now. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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