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Deku looks absolutely appalled by the very idea. 

"Kacchan, we can't do that!"

 He just grins at him, his backpack over his shoulder.

 "And why the hell not?" 

There are some extras walking around the streets, but he doesn't really pay any attention to them. The green haired boy next to him is way more interesting. He can't remember the last time they even had an actual conversation.

 It's only been about half an hour, and they've already broken their record.

 "Because you have to pay for a ticket Kacchan! Those are the rules!"

 He rolls his eyes. He recognizes the route they are taking right now. A couple minutes of walking and they'll be at the train station. This is the last chance Deku gets to back out. Katsuki wants to see what he does. 

If he does end up chickening out, he'll hold this over the nerd's head for the rest of their lives. 

"Remember that time you asked me to run away with you only to chicken out like a little bitch? Cause I do!" 

"Deku, a million fucking people just hop on the train and go wherever they need to go. It's not a big fucking deal."

 Deku bites at his bottom lip, a nervous habit he's had since they were kids. Katsuki feels sorta proud of himself for still recognizing something like that even when it's been so long. 

"If you're sure..."

 Of course he's fucking sure, he's Katsuki fucking Bakugou. He takes his phone out of his pocket and checks the notification bar. Nothing from anyone yet. Katsuki wonders how long it will take his parents to realize that he's gone. 

Ever since his downfall and getting blacklisted from every single boxing gym in the area, he hasn't really been talking to his parents. They had poured all of their funds on Katsuki's success, and they all had high expectations of him. He had high expectations. 

So to act like everything was normal was just out of the damn question. 

"Why the hell are you even running away Deku. Your mom is gonna have a fucking aneurysm or some shit when she finds out you're not home."

 Deku's hands tighten around the straps of that stupid yellow backpack. 

"She won't! And it's not like I'm just not going to contact her... I'll just wait till she calls me or something and I'll tell her I'm..."

 Katsuki waits for something else to be said, but there is only silence. He scoffs at Deku and his whole plan for running away. Which is nothing. This nerd has no fucking plan.

 "Yeah, let me know how that dumpster fire goes for you. I wouldn't be surprised if she tracks your phone and finds your ass to drag you back home."

 Deku only gets even more nervous before he takes a deep breath to calm himself down. 

"It'll be fine, wherever we go I'm sure it's a lot better than here."

 Katsuki wants to ask why he thinks that but can't really argue. He doubts there would be that many extras looking to try and beat him up. They are finally at the train station, the electronic signs stating that the next train will be arriving in five minutes.

 He looks at Deku, a smug smile on his face. The nerd catches him and gives him a look, brows furrowed.

 "What's that look for?"

 Katsuki shrugs, turning away from him.

 "Nothing, nothing..." 

He trails off, and Deku gets even more curious judging by the way his voice sounds. 

"Kacchan what?"

 He watches the sign tick down to four minutes. 

"This is the last chance you're gonna get to back out of this Deku. You got four minutes." 

"I'm not backing out kacchan, I'm serious! Are you gonna back out?"

 He turns back at him and glares, the nerd looking back at him questioningly. 

"Of fucking course not, who the hell do you think i am!?"

 Deku shrugs then a moment later, he puts his hand out. Katsuki looks at it in confusion before the nerd speaks.

 "Let's make a deal. Whoever backs out first or even says something about it owes the other person..." 

It ticks down to three minutes.

 "Free All Might merch for the rest of their lives."

 Katsuki's glare darkens. 

"Deku you wouldn't even be able to afford that much All might merch. The only thing you're getting for life is debt."

 Deku gives him a determined look, head held high.

 "I know that, but i also know that I'm not losing, and i know for a fact you have enough money for all might merch to last my whole life."

 Katsuki scoffs and roughly shakes Deku's hand.

 "Just don't cry to me when you're on the streets shit nerd."

 Two minutes left. They let go of each other's hands after another quick shake and Katsuki makes a big show of wiping his hand on his shirt just to annoy Deku. There are some people at the train station, but not many. 

He sees a guy in a suit waiting behind the yellow line, checking his watch every minute, tapping his foot in quick motions. 

"Hey kacchan, i have a question."

 He looks at Deku who looks serious, though he can see his thumb rubbing against his pointer finger, another sign he's nervous. 


He glances away, trying to get his thoughts together before looking back at him. 

"Why are you running away?" 

Katsuki just stares at him, and Deku puts his hands up quickly, 

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to, i was just curious because you agreed and i wasn't expecting you to and seeing you all beat up confused me and I'm worried that something might be happening-!"

 Katsuki rolls his eyes, speaking slightly louder so that he can cut Deku off on his tangent. 

"If you'd let me fucking talk you might be able to fucking find out."

 Deku closes his mouth and his cheeks warm. He mutters an apology. 

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