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Katsuki Bakugou is running through the woods. He woke up a while ago, planning to go smoke or some shit in the bathroom at school, but of course his plans had to be fucked over. 

"Stop running Bakugou! We'll find you sooner or later!" 

He ducks under a couple of branches, hearing twigs and leaves crunching under other people's shoes. He's being chased by some extras. He doesn't know why these people keep fucking with him, but it's starting to seriously fucking piss him off. 

He stops running and whirls around, racing towards the group of people. 

"Stop fucking following me or I'll kill you!" 

He punches one of them in the face and the others start to fight. Its four against one, but Katsuki isn't going to let that stop him. It takes forever until the last of them doesn't get up again, and he starts to walk away. He has a couple of bruises on his arms and ribs, but that's nothing new.

 It's the same old shit. He used to be pretty popular when he was in middle school. Back then, he wouldn't even fucking imagine getting chased down like this. He had goals, a finish line that he was trying to reach. 

He remembers waking up super early in the morning to train and go to the boxing gym, when his dream was to become a boxer. He was pretty fucking good, if winning all of his matches and getting a shit ton of prize money was enough to show for it. 

But he fucked it all up. He knows he should have gotten his temper checkout out back then, but he didn't. He ended up getting pissed off at some asshole and getting blacklisted from all of the boxing gyms for using his fighting skills outside of the ring. 

He had to kiss that dream goodbye, and now he has nothing. He was on a pretty high horse back then, and after his downfall, a bunch of fucking extras thought it would be a good chance to try and beat him up. So now he has to deal with this bullshit. 

He checks his phone for the time and knows he's going to be late as all hell. Looks like he has even more studying to do when he gets home, and the thought just worsens his mood. He gets inside school grounds by jumping over the gate and walking inside of the building to his class.

 He opens the door, and the shitty teacher looks at him, clearly annoyed. Katsuki doesn't pay attention to what he says, and just walks to his seat. He meets Deku's eyes when he does so, but he pretends that they didn't. 

They used to be best friends when they were little, and a little bit in middle school. Deku was always around, cheering him on and smiling when he went to fights. But that was so long ago that Katsuki doesn't even think Deku thinks of him as nothing but the washed-up blacklisted boxer. 

To cope with that bitter feeling, he shoves him around sometimes, but he only gets limited reactions. Most of the time Deku looks at him like he wants to say something, but he doesn't. Katsuki can guess what it is though. 

'What the fuck are you even doing with your life Bakugo?' 

Deku had stopped calling him kacchan forever ago. He never hears it anymore, or anything to do with him coming out of the nerd's mouth. Class draws out for what feels like forever, and he just wants to go home to try and catch up on schoolwork for another week. 

The bell rings and he stands up, going out the door. He starts his walk home. The same old shit. He goes towards the convenience store and thinks about what he's going to make for dinner. Those thoughts are interrupted when he's pulled into the small alley separating the convenience store from the other building next to it. 

He instantly goes into fight mode and starts to punch and kick, but there are four people's arms holding his limbs. 

"Not so tough now huh? Now you're just a pathetic waste!"

 He gets kicked and punched while being held down, all the while yelling and kicking. He sees some people passing the alley, but they don't stop. Katsuki feels trash land on him, and the sound of the garbage can being thrown somewhere as the five people have their fun and leave.

 Katsuki's body hurts, and he feels like such shit. Fitting that he's covered in trash right now. He looks up at the sky, leaning his head back against the wall. Seriously, what the fuck is he even doing here? After high school ends, what the fuck is next? 

What is he going to do with his life now.... 

Someone passes the alley way and Katsuki glances at them, recognizing bright red shoes. 

"What the fuck do you want Deku. You want to laugh at me or some shit." 

The nerd looks down at him and shakes his head, a blank look on his face. 

 "Why would i want to laugh at you?" 

Fuck. Katsuki looks away from him. He can only imagine how pathetic he looks right now. 

 "Then what the fuck do you want." 

Deku looks away only to look back at him, clearly hesitant. 


Katsuki would have preferred it if it was someone looking to beat him up that passed instead of the person that used to admire him so much. He waits for Deku to say something, staring at green eyes. 

 "Do you want to run away with me kacchan?"

 Katsuki just scoffs, looking away from him. 


Deku doesn't look like he's joking at all, and he repeats himself. 

"Do you want to run away, Kacchan." 

There is a tone in his voice, like he is being completely serious. Aren't the two of them practically strangers now? Deku waits for him to say something, and he just sighs. Nothing is keeping him here. And besides, it's not like Deku is being serious right? So, fuck it. 


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