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San and wooyoung had already moved into their dorm. Today was orientation and San was leading wooyoung to the building. Wooyoung was super nervous. There were so many people. He wasn't as outgoing as he was in highschool. Now he kept to himself and chose his friends carefully. The thought of being in that auditorium without San made him nervous.

"Are you sure you can't go in with me?" Wooyoung asked.

"Yeah I'm positive. But don't worry just text Jongho and let him know where you're sitting." San reassured him.

"Uhh okay.." Wooyoung sighed.

"Don't be worried. What happened to my outgoing hyper wooyoung? Make some friends." San said and kissed wooyoungs cheek.

"Okay okay." Wooyoung blushed and went inside. He followed the crowds of freshmen and went to sit in a pretty empty spot. He let Jongho know where he was. He sat awkwardly for a while until he saw someone walking up. He was hoping that they weren't gonna sit next to him. There were so many empty seats.

"Is someone sitting here?" The boy asked.

"Huh? Nah. No one is." Wooyoung answered he hoped the stranger wouldn't talk to him anymore. But of course they did.

"What's your name? I'm Kim yeonjun." He asked with a polite smile.

"Oh I'm Jung wooyoung. It's nice to meet you." Wooyoung returned the smile. Maybe making friends wouldn't be that bad. The kid seemed nice.

"It's nice to meet you too." Yeonjun replied.

Wooyoung could tell yeonjun was a little awkward about making friends too. 'Fuck it. San said to make friends.'

"How's your day been so far?" Wooyoung asked a little more confidently.

Yeonjun seemed happy that wooyoung continued the conversation. "My day? It's been good. Other than being sore from moving."

Wooyoung laughed a little. "Yeah me too. I'm so tired. I want to take a nap."

"A nap sounds great." Yeonjun nodded.

"What's your major?" Wooyoung asked. A cliche question for college students.

"I'm undecided right now.. but I'm taking a lot of dance classes so maybe that. What about you?" Yeonjun replied.

"That's cool. I'm majoring in culinary arts and science." Wooyoung answered.

"What? That's fucking cool! So like you wanna be a chef when you graduate?" Yeonjun asked excitedly.

Wooyoung laughed. He found yeonjun's excitement cute. "Maybe. That and own a restaurant."

"Wow you're so cool. I wish I could cook like a chef." Yeonjun pouted.

"Is it that cool? It's just cooking." Wooyoung asked, a smile stuck on his face.

"No no you don't understand. I don't know anyone who can cook." Yeonjun laughed. "All of my friends suck at cooking."

They both talked and talked. Wooyoung never thought he would click with someone so fast. They only talked for 20 minutes and they were already feeling pretty comfortable with each other.

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