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After a long week of classes, wooyoung and san were relaxing in their room. Their beds were pushed together. That's the arrangement they decided to go with since they were used to sleeping in the same bed every night. They were cuddling comfortably and had sans laptop sitting in front of them playing a movie. San was in wooyoungs arms. He was falling asleep.

Wooyoung rocked them gently hoping San would sleep soon. He bit down on his lip and took slow deep breaths. He felt his chest get heavy from anxiety. It was suddenly hard for him to sit still. Up until now he could fight the urge. Wooyoung used to be able to wait days between cigarettes. But it had been a few hours since he had one. Wooyoung had always dealt with anxiety and depression especially after his mothers death. Smoking was just his way of dealing with it. He suddenly felt his cravings creeping in. He wasn't as distracted as he usually was. If San would fall asleep, maybe he could smoke really quick.

Suddenly san opened his eyes. He groaned and sat up. "Oh oopsie I fell asleep.."

Wooyoung was disappointed but didn't show it. He smiled at his sleepy boyfriend, "yeah so much for that second movie." Wooyoung teased and ran his fingers through sans hair.

"Sorry. I guess I had a long day." San leaned backwards into wooyoungs arms. "You're not tired?"

"Nah I'm wide awake.. but you should probably sleep." Wooyoung replied.

"Maybe.." San hummed and rubbed his eyes. "What's happening in the movie? I don't remember."

"I don't know.. I wasn't paying much attention either."

"What? What did I tell you about being on your phone on movie night." San looked at wooyoung with a cute angry face.

"Hey, you fell asleep." Wooyoung said then pecked sans nose.

It wasn't wooyoungs phone that had him distracted. It was hard for him to focus when he was so antsy. He really wanted a cigarette.

San giggled then got out of the bed. "I gotta go to the bathroom."

Wooyoung squinted as he felt his head begin to pound. It wasn't a bad headache, but it was enough for him to react.

"Yeah okay." Wooyoung said then watched San go into the bathroom and close the door.

Wooyoung quickly got out the bed and grabbed his cigarettes. He slipped on some shoes then left the room. He quickly went down the stairs then out the building.

San came out the bathroom then paused seeing the room empty. "Wooyoung..." he called before seeing wooyoung's cigarettes were missing from the dresser. "Seriously?"

San suddenly saw his phone light up. He looked at the screen. It was a text from wooyoung that read; 'I'm sorry sannie I couldn't help it. I only need one I'll be back in like ten minutes.'

San sighed and shook his head. He didn't want wooyoung to be in pain. But he knew that its not good for him to keep smoking. Wooyoung already had a few cigarettes that day.

An hour later, wooyoung had finally went back to the room. He had more than one cigarette and he took much longer than 10 minutes. He knew he was going to get scolded but San just didn't understand. Wooyoung needed to deal with the pain.

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