The Mahaswarens

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"Steven, you have to relax. They already know I'm pregnant, remember? There's no reveal, we don't have to be so anxious Biscuit..."

He was trying, he really really was. Every deep breath he took seemed to fan the flames of his anxiety causing him to glow so brightly she almost had to turn away. He had forgotten to take his anxiety medication today like an idiot and now he was having a panic attack in her car.

She turned off the ignition and went around to his side. He barely seemed to notice her reaching in and unbuckling his seat, stealing a kiss as she did. "Steven, look at me." He turned to face her, and she frowned at the terrified and distant expression on his face. It was like he was paralyzed. "Oh Steven... just... Hold on. I'll be right back."

She had been gearing up to give him a pep talk, but she knew she needed to let him feel his feelings instead of forcing him to push them down like he had all those years leading up to his meltdown. The Crystal Gems were good family to have, but too often she'd seen them push aside his feelings for necessities that could wait.

"Mom," She called as she opened the door. "I'm going to need you guys to go grocery shopping or something." She tried to sound firm, instead the anxiety creeped into her tone.

Dr. Mahaswaren raised an eyebrow. "And why would I do that? We have things to talk about young lady."

"Hi, Dad."

"Hey, Connie." Doug greeted her with a gentle hug and her mother with a light touch on the small of her back. "Your mother is right, this conversation is unavoidable."

The two parents crossed their arms as the younger woman nearly broiled with anger. "He needs a minute! Can you guys not pull this right now? Steven is really stressed out about this and you guys not giving him a moment to relax and breathe is going to be an issue for everyone. No offense, but you guys can be kind of intense toward people, and Steven just can't handle any more intense drama today."

Dr. Mahaswaren's expression softened a tiny bit and to her daughters surprise, she relented. "I'm sorry, Connie. You're right. As much as I want to get this over with so we can move on, it's important that everyone is of sound mind so we don't have to call our renters insurance again. It wouldn't be helpful to push this before it's ready."

Doug started to protest but quickly shut his mouth when his wife glared at him. "Alright. I suppose we still need some ingredients for your birthday dinner." He slumped and Connie felt a tinge of guilt as he started for the door. She knew he hated shopping about as much as he hated driving in the snow.

"Besides, I suppose there's another errand we could run tonight..." Dr. Mahaswaren muttered.

Connie's father paused in the doorway and looked back, excitement written all over his face. "You mean it?"

Sighing she rolled her eyes at his imploring expression but cracked a smile of her own. "Yes. Go get in the car."

Her mother turned to her and pulled her into an unprecedented hug. "You've got the house for an hour and a half, maybe two hours. Do what you need to do."

Connie hugged her back tightly. "Thank you for being flexible mom, that should be plenty of time."

"Just don't ruin your bedsheets," Dr. Mahaswaren ordered.

Connie's cheeks burned bright red and she made a noise somewhere between a groan and a offended scoff that just made her mother laugh.

Soon after they left Connie rushed back outside only to find Steven missing, and the passenger door wide open.

She pulled out her phone, knowing he couldn't have wandered far and called him.

"I'm up here, Ni."

She lifted her gaze and tilted her head at the curly haired man's antics. He had somehow gotten himself at least 30 feet into the air and onto their roof. His legs dangled over carefully and she noted the lack of pink tinge.

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