The First Step

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A black haze was all the amnesiac girl dreamt of. She could hear nothing but random pieces of past conversation that filled her head. Sera couldn't make sense of any of it, she could only sit by, completely dumbfounded.

Before she knew it, a blaring siren made her sit bolt upright in her sleeping bag, awake and alert. After a brief moment of searching, she found Professor Goodwitch standing at the front of the room, her tablet in hand. Once she was satisfied that all the freshman students were up and awake, she gave a curt nod and tapped a button on her tablet. The speakers abruptly went silent, and Sera could once more hear herself think.

"All right," Goodwitch announced. "Hurry and pack your sleeping bags and other things, then we're going back to the locker room so you can prepare for the initiation ceremony."

Sera tiredly rolled up her sleeping bag and packed it into her duffel.

"Heck of a night, huh?" Cerulean yawned. "You ready for initiation?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," Sera interlaced her fingers and stretched her arms high above her head. Truth be told, she didn't get much sleep. She was up all night scouring the internet on her scroll to learn as much as she could about Remnant. She now knew the names of the four major huntsmen academies, various types of Grimm, the properties of Dust, and even about whatever was popular these days with people her age. She stayed up until her scroll's battery was nearly dead, then she had to go find somewhere to charge it.

"I think it'll be fun!" Cerulean grinned. "I've heard a little about it, but it should be a blast!"

"Groovy," Sera said with fake enthusiasm. "I'm just ready to get back into some real clothes," she looked down at the violet pajama pants and white T-shirt she wore.

"Wait," Cerulean's eyes widened, then she lifted her sleeve. "You didn't say you had a tattoo!"

"Huh?" Sera looked at her arm. "What the hell?!" she looked under her shirt and had to resist the urge to just take it off. By the Brothers, she had one. Fortunately, this tattoo was fairly small. It was a black symbol placed on the middle of her upper arm, on the outside of her bicep. It looked like: Ω.

What the hell?! She thought. Tattoos? What else don't I know about myself. Better question: HOW DID I NOT NOTICE IT WHEN I CHANGED CLOTHES?!

"Wait, you didn't know you had tattoos?" Cerulean raised an eyebrow.

Uh-oh, panicked.

Sera pointed at her and gave a quick grin. "I gotcha! Of course, I knew I had tattoos. What am I, stupid?" she chuckled nervously.

"Ah!" Cerulean lightly slapped herself in the forehead. "That was really convincing. You did get me."

"What can I say? I'm a natural actress," Sera rubbed the back of her neck.

"Or a good liar," Cerulean held her chin in her hand and brought her face closer to Sera. "I'll have to keep my eye on you."

The amnesiac leaned away from her and gave an awkward chuckle.

"Students," Glynda announced, drawing their attention. "If you would, we're leaving now." Then she turned and left the ballroom, and the other students followed her out.

"Hey! Looks like we should go, huh? Right, let's go," Sera hurried after them, and Cerulean blinked uncertainly before following.

In no time at all, Sera was keying in the passcode to her locker and pulling the door open. She eagerly pulled out the duffle bag with her new combat gear in it. Pulling out several different outfits wrapped in plastic, she finally chose one and headed into a changing room. A few minutes later, she came out dressed in her new duds and looked in the mirror.

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