Intruder Alert

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By the time Sera made it to the communications tower, she thought she was too late. A pair of unconscious guards lay on either side of the entrance, and more were scattered around inside.

"Ah, hell," she pulled out her scroll and quickly typed on the screen. Once she was done, she put the device away in her jacket, then waited. When she heard something like a rocket flying towards her, she grinned.

Her weapons locker hit the ground so hard it cracked the concrete at her feet. Sera typed in her code on the keypad, silently laughing to herself.

'Six-nine, six-nine,' she thought. The locker door popped open, and she immediately grabbed her body holster and put it on. With the familiar weight of her sword and shotgun on her back, her tense shoulders relaxed.

"Okay," she thought aloud, then entered the CCT. She stepped over the unconscious guards and stepped into the elevator. She assumed that the cat burglar was heading to the top floor, so that's where she was going, too.

Classical music played in the elevator while Sera tapped her foot impatiently. She was hardly in the appropriate clothes for a fight, but then again, at least she wasn't in her dress anymore. Plus, she thought she looked like a badass rockstar.


The elevator opened, and Sera drew her sword. She walked carefully, scanning the dark room. Dozens of desks and cubicles were on the floor, and any one of them could be holding the mysterious burglar.

"Marco?" the amnesiac called out, calmly drawing her Boomstick with her free hand. "Come on say, 'Polo,'" she added. "I know someone's here."

Then someone rose from the shadows behind a desk with her back turned to Sera. At least, the huntress assumed it was a she. Slim hourglass figure, flowing black hair, a tight bodysuit. When the woman turned around, Sera raised an eyebrow at the black mask on her face. Masquerade-style.

"Huh," she thought aloud. "Is that supposed to be your tactical getup or...? 'Cause maybe next time you could go more tactical and less 'slutty B-list action star.'"

The intruder regarded her with cold eyes before materializing a pair of black swords that appeared to be made of glass out of thin air.

"Guess I hit a nerve," she murmured and tightened her grip on Igni, her sword.

The two of them rushed each other, trading blows with their swords. Sera had to work overtime for this one. She had to block both of her assailant's weapons while she only had the one. It wasn't new to her, though. There were plenty of dual-wielding students that she'd sparred against.

She blocked and parried the black swords as best as she could, but this chick wasn't a novice. The lady in black went on the offensive, swiping at Sera and forcing the huntress to backstep. She spun, her blades like a deadly blender trying to slice up the amnesiac into a huntress smoothie.

Sera was running out of options in this head-to-head fight. She backflipped away and quickly slid a red crystal into her weapon. Just before the masked lady could press her, she hit the switch on her sword to light the blade up like a torch.

The woman jumped away before Sera could barbecue her and manifested a black bow like she'd done with her swords. She fired a trio of glass arrows at the huntress, and Sera knocked them out of the air with ease. Sera smirked and stared down the woman with an air of confidence.

'Yeah, lady, you're gonna have to do better than that,' she thought.

Then she heard a loud ding, and the expression on the intruder's face faltered. Sera glanced back to see the elevator doors opening, and General Ironwood stepped out. She couldn't help but grin. Perfect timing.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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