Vigilante Conspiracy

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When Sera got back to team RWBY's dorm, it felt like she walked into the middle of an interrogation. Ruby, Yang, and Weiss were confronting Blake about her recent exhaustion and attitude problems, with Weiss seemingly in charge.

"Uh, what's going on, team?" she asked. She'd already been back to the locker room to put her weapons and gear up, so she was just back in her usual white-and-purple clothing. She traded the combat pants for a pair of white jeans.

"We're making Blake confess," Weiss crossed her arms. Sera met the Faunus's eyes, and a quick moment of understanding passed between them.

"What, you're interrogating her? Come on guys," she told them.

"She's right," Ruby murmured.

"No, this is unacceptable behavior, and you all know it. She's practically torturing herself," Weiss said.

"This is stupid," Blake muttered.

"Blake..." Sera said.

"No! I'm done sitting around and letting that criminal do what he wants, and hurt people," she told them all.

"You're still thinking about Torchwick?" Ruby asked.

"Torchwick, the White Fang, and whoever else is in on all this!" she replied.

"Yeah, I'd like to pay a little visit to that mystery girl that was at the docks, too," Sera crossed her arms.

"The one that kicked your butt?" Yang grinned.

"Hey, it was a mutual butt kicking!" she said. "I won in the end anyways."


"Xiao Long, so help me—" Sera started.

"Shut it!" Weiss said. "Gods, your useless bickering is going to drive me insane."

"C'mon, Ice Queen," the amnesiac said. "You don't always have to have a heart of, well, ice."

"Yeah, don't let this all make you give us the cold shoulder," Yang said. Everyone in the room looked over to her, then Ruby punched her in the shoulder. "What? What'd I say?" Yang demanded.

"Anyways," Weiss said with a huff. "Listen—let me once again be the voice of reason in all this. We're students. We're not ready for this level of combat, and we're not ready to track and bring down crime rings."

"And we may never be ready!" Blake shouted. "They're not just going to sit around and wait for us to graduate. They're out there somewhere, planning their next move, and none of us know what it is! Whether we're ready or not, something big is coming."

"Okay, then," Ruby said with a small smile. "All in favor of becoming the youngest huntresses ever to single handedly bring down a corrupt organization conspiring against the Kingdom of Vale, say aye," she belted out at a speed to match her semblance.

"Yeah! I love it when you get feisty," Yang said, pointing at Blake.

"Eh, it could be fun," Weiss shrugged, which ultimately contradicted what she said before.

"Oh, you know I'm in!" Sera grinned and put her arms around Ruby and Yang's shoulders.

"None of you said 'aye'..." Ruby murmured.

"All right, then!" Blake allowed a smile. "We're in this together!"

"Let's get started! Time to plan!" Ruby announced.

"Yeah!" Yang said enthusiastically.

Then Ruby gasped. "I left my boardgame in the library."

"We're doomed," Weiss stated. Ruby zipped out of the room in a flurry of rose petals, slamming the door behind her.

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