Chapter 12

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Hope's POV:

  I make sure my jacket sleeves are covering my tattoos before turning to my siblings. "How do I look?" I ask as I wave my hand around the car magically with a spell so it won't smell like smoke.

   "Like a square," Stu retorts making the twins snort out a laugh and my eyes narrow on him dangerously.

   "Good because once this pretend square gets her mate comfortable enough, I can take her away from her controlling mother and she'll be free. Now everyone better be on their best behaviors. Remember we're a church going family," I sneer in the beginning before pointing a finger at all of them.

   They all nod with their hands raised in mock surrender. I exit out of my vehicle and walk confidently towards Carrie's front door.

I got this. I stop in front of the door and gently knock on the door then wait patiently for someone to answer.

   I hear a sharp intake of a breath and I look towards the upstairs window finding Carrie staring down at me in slight shock.

  I smile softly and wave getting a very timid one back but also a look of worry. Why would she be worried?

   The door opening caught my attention and I straightened my posture. There in front of me stood a middle aged woman giving me a wary look.

  "Hello, I'm Hope Valentine. Is Carrie home? We're classmates and recently became friends. I was wondering if she would like to go get ice cream with my siblings and I down at the ice cream parlor in town," I politely say while I clasp my hands together in front of me.

The woman looks over me and scowled. "My Carrie isn't going anywhere with the likes of you. I've heard the rumors about you, Hope Valentine. Neither a man or woman. A half breed infecting everything you touched. Your real parents must've gotten rid of you because of the way you are. Carrie isn't going and stay the hell away from her," she sneers with a look of disgust and all acts of kindness disappeared as my gaze darkens.

I stare into her eyes, "you're gonna call Carrie and let her come with us, you piece of shit. When you see me, you will have a change of attitude. Call her."

I break eye contact and watch as she blinks before turning her head. "Carrie!" She calls out and I hear my mate footsteps quickly come down the stairs.

She comes into view and I smile at her while my rage quickly dismantles at the mere sight of her. "Hello, Carrie," I softly say with a nod.

She gives a shy smile. "Hello, Hope. What is it, momma?" She quietly says then asks and she faced her mother.

"Hope has asked if you would like to go to the ice cream parlor with her and her siblings," her mother obediently responds making me hide a smirk.

   Carrie's eyes widen in shock and she glance between the two of us. "And what did you say, momma?" She questions and I swallow the displeased growl that wants to be let out.

  Her mother doesn't answer for her. It's like she doesn't have any free will. "Well i-it's up to you, Carrie," her mother slowly says as she glances at me.

Damn right it's up to her. My gaze switched to Carrie who slowly begins to smile happily. "I would like to go, momma. Let me grab my sweater and I'll be right out," she says then tells me and I nod while watching her race upstairs.

I turn back to look at her mother with an evil glint. 'Kill her! She insulted you!' The two voices shout in outrage making me smirk slowly.

Oh I will but not yet. It's too soon. My mate comes first before I can kill this woman. Who knows maybe Carrie will do it for me.

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