Dresses Forever

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"Mama, I don't want to put on another itchy ass dress in this muggy ass room--"

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"Mama, I don't want to put on another itchy ass dress in this muggy ass room--"

June was quietly shut up as the back of Stephanie's hand connected with the back of her head. She sent her daughter a scathing glare, before turning back to the lady that was helping them shop.

"Something that is a bit softer on the skin would be great, thank you," Stephanie told the woman, as she quickly walked away to find the teen acceptable dresses

"I am going to murder you--"

"Steph, come look at Belly!" Susannah called from the couch. Stephanie, sent her daughter one last glare before the two walked over to take a seat on the couch as well.

"Number six that looks gorgeous on you Bells!" June exclaimed, sending the girl a smile.

"Why am I doing all the trying on?? We picked out some outfits for you," Belly said, motioning to the open and waiting dressing room next to her.

June smirked, getting up and walking over to Belly. She squeezed the girl's shoulders before walking into her own dressing room, seeing an array of every sort of skirt and dress combo that could be found.

She knew this was all Susannah's doing, and so she got hard to work putting on each outfit carefully. Making sure to give the women the same fashion show that Belly had just finished.

Hundreds of dresses, hats, and shoes later, they were finally walking to their very last store. The wedding shop.

Well...not exactly, but it felt like it to June as she crossed the threshold. The store was lined with white dresses, perfect for the last dance of the deb season.

"Belly, I have so many ideas," Susannah said, taking the younger girl into her arms and coasting her towards a rack of dresses. June just watched in shock, as the two other mothers approached her from behind.

"This is a lot for you, isn't it?" Laurel asked, placing her hand on the girl's shoulder. Stephanie came up on her other side, watching Susannah and Belly roam the store.

"It really just isn't my vibe, I'm not a 'deb' kind of girl," June confessed, the two women letting out sighs beside her.

"Why did you agree to do it?" Stephanie asked.

"Cause Susannah asked me to. And with everything going on, I didn't want to disappoint her," June confessed.

"Everything going on?" Laurel asked, her eyebrows synching together, "What do you mean, June?"

June exchanged a worrisome look with her mother who only shrugged her shoulders. This was June's hole that she dug, and the girl was going to have to find a way out herself.

"I don't know Laur, I just feel like everything is going to be different after this summer. Connie and I are going to college, and it just feels like some things are coming to an end," June managed to get out, winning a subtle smirk from her mom.

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